Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

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do you think its possible for it to start over again? lol that would be really lame he would get like 300 replys sending him to tis post..then he would just see the 45 pages and say hmm read or go smoke a bowl..and then youd never hear from him again
that admin guy from here who i think's played hl2 is just BURSTING to tell us there's a hl2 multiplayer component
XtremesT said:
Anyone feel like going to another hl2 forum and starting this again? :smoking: :dork: :dork:

got banned from most sites...i think because i was spamming and because i cussed out the admin...wonder which one they abnned me for?
:| Okay i'm getting bored now, we need some action.
anti-elf said:

we just learned this a week ago


square root of -5
i square root of 5

i = imaginary
I am curious as to why a space was forced in there. I assume it's to prevent long running lines that alter the size of the forum. Or something.
pAiNtHeAsS said:
we just learned this a week ago


square root of -5
i square root of 5

i = imaginary

i was just trying to say an example you didn't have to ruin it yes i know about amgainary numbers now just drop it know-it-all emo freak!
Lets turn this into a You know youve been posting on here too much when thread! Ill go first.. "When at the beginning of the day you had 77 posts, and at the end.. you have 111!"
anti-elf said:
i was just trying to say an example you didn't have to ruin it yes i know about amgainary numbers now just drop it know-it-all emo freak!

im sorry
anti-elf said:
got banned from most sites...i think because i was spamming and because i cussed out the admin...wonder which one they abnned me for?

Really? Why did you end up having to curse them out?

P.S. dont post it at HL@fallout or thell crash, as expected from those pansies :P
You know you have been posting on here too much when you post 15 times more than you next highest daily average
sublidieminal said:
Really? Why did you end up having to curse them out?

P.S. dont post it at HL@fallout or thell crash, as expected from those pansies :P

:laugh: Forums members kept calling him EMO buttsecks luver.
gchriste said:
You know you have been posting on here too much when you post 15 times more than you next highest daily average

That would be me :P
ok guys, Im gonna go for the night.. This was interesting.. i will refresh 3 more times before i leave.. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
emo rules anyway!
straylight run - self titled! best album i've heard in a long time.
:| Is there supposed to be a significance of why you took the pic and my name is shown as last post?
ailevation said:
:| Is there supposed to be a significance of why you took the pic and my name is shown as last post?

of course cause your so anti-emo like me! :-p
sublidieminal said:
Really? Why did you end up having to curse them out?

P.S. dont post it at HL@fallout or thell crash, as expected from those pansies :P

im not gonna answer that so as if i dont effend n e admins here...
the dark elf is a fagget he banned my old account cause he liked emo that fagget!
Incubus on George W.:
If I were your appendages
I'd hold open your eyes
So you would see
That all of us are heaven sent
There was never meant to be only one
To be only one

I suggest we
learn to love ourselves
before it's made illegal
when will we learn (when will we learn)
when will we change (when will we change)
just in time to see it all come down
Doppelgofer said:
right im off to get ready for college people

bye for now

bye bye im off too...have school tommorrow...probally will be banned nice talking to you all :-(
Seeing as it is only 4PM in the arvo here I may as well keep hitting <refresh> a bit longer, not that i think it will make me any wiser ;)
yes :-( good bye all....ill check in the morning to kepupdated as the report now its 10pm in pacific time and the server is still up ip is lots has gone on its been a good night...peace all pm if you have n more questions.
tokin said:
I suggest we
learn to love ourselves
before it's made illegal
when will we learn (when will we learn)
when will we change (when will we change)
just in time to see it all come down

Hell yes.
Ok i just saw this thread. Whats this about? Anyone from valve comment on it? Dont feel like reading through 27 pages.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Ok i just saw this thread. Whats this about? Anyone from valve comment on it? Dont feel like reading through 27 pages.

Not yet, we are awaiting email reply. Some one send them this thread with an email.
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