

May 6, 2006
Reaction score
Heh, I just made some pics of zombines
Here they are:

What do you think? :p
Haha, nice. Something tells me though the Zombines will have a little more creativity than that :p
I'm expecting something pretty deformed, perhaps hunched like the poison zombie.
The Zombines are one of the things I'm most looking forward to seeing. I can't wait to kill one of the headcrabs and see whats left of the face underneath. Although, with their gasmasks and all, I'm not quite sure how it will work out, but we'll see.
Maybe, like, broken gasmasks, and dead faces or something :O!

Just 12 more days to go :( Hurryyy :p

I should get some anaesthetic so I can sleep until june
Heh, nice zombines you had made.

All it takes is a imagination to create a wonderful masterpieces.

Like Albert Einstein had said,

Albert Einstein said:
Imagination is more important than knowledge.

And never knew headcrabs can break off the masks of the Combine. SWEET!
Well, if barney can pull it off with his hands, I'm sure a headcrab could with it's... fang.. things.. and it's mouth.. Or something like that anyway.
I'm pretty sure the gasmasks have release caches, as after all, the CP's are the most human of the troop types. They can be taken off with ease. Not sure on the others, but I presume they all can be taken off for maintenance or something.

I doubt headcrabs could pull them off. Well, I don't actually, but in the time its found the release cache, which it wouldn't even know what it was anyway, the host could of pulled it off by then.
I can't wait to see what Valve have in store. Though, if anything, I honestly hope they aren't as retarded as the Gonomes :p

they were tough, fast and could throw biohazardous acid at you
on the downside they looked ridiculous attacking you :LOL:
wtf what game was that from?? :p I don't remember seeing that o_O

But yes, looks ghey :) They also have humongous lungs or something
Oh, it's from op4..
Well, I havnt really played that much, seeing as it either never loads or quits the game with an error..
But I played it once on my laptop (worked on that) but I hate playing games on that, so, yeah, not gunna play it :)
It was from Opposing Force-the infamous game with Adrian Shepard *sigh* I will never understand the hype about Shepard. Also, Race X = PHAIL
AHA-Lambda said:
It was from Opposing Force-the infamous game with Adrian Shepard *sigh* I will never understand the hype about Shepard. Also, Race X = PHAIL
Maybe and this might be a wild guess...Opposing Force was a very good game?
Gonomes looked retarded and were pretty easy to dispatch. They represent Gearbox's absolute inability to conjure anything of real imagination. I loved Opposing force, from a gameplay perspective. It was another look at Black Mesa with a series of superb closing chapters.

But through a mixture of plot contrivances and poorly imagined enemies/weapons I managed to find a whole load of dislike

Gearbox simply don't have Valve's imagination. Most of the things they did were what you'd expect from some run of the mill shooter in terms of weapons and enemies. Valve almost fell foul to this in developing HL2, luckily they realised their mistake.

Teleportation gun? Barnacle gun? Where's the thought? Did they think about what they were doing at all? I don't think so.

But alas, this is a Zombine thread. Lets let it stay that way.
Anyway :) back on topic :)

I like the metro-cop zombie the best :D I can see its lungs
Ned Kelly. lol.

Well, Zombines will just be another damn up-2-date zombie. Harder to kill, like always. I've always taken advice from Barney, just shoot them in the head. :)
Samon said:
The presence of the grenade and the shape of the corpse on the floor leads me to believe that it is indeed the Zombine in the bottom right hand corner: http://ep1.half-life2.com/img/screens/screenshot_5.jpg

I just put the image into Photoshop and lightned up the corner a bit - I think you may be right. The shape underneath the Fastie is pretty much all black and there is a faint strip of white. Possibly the strips of white on the CP's' fatigues? It's in a sort've curled up shape, with its leg sticking up, so I can't really tell, but It doesn't look like anything we've seen before.

The body next to it is a normal zombie, though. Although its hand isn't really clawed.
Also, check the arm - it looks alot like a Combine arm, simply deformed.
Yeah, and a hand can be seen even without having to lighten it up. Perhaps they haven't gone through a full 'transformation' yet? Which may explain why they can wield grenades.
I would imagine the area that they convert humans into combies is also close to where they breed headcrabs. So perhaps they got loose? And as shown in nova prospekt in the transformation process they have their gasmasks off.
Like i said in the other post, to me that looks just like a normal combine laying on the ground, maybe killed by the zombies, or by the way alex is holding the gun, he just got a back full of buckshot
I think that could be a zombine. I think i see no head like the beta zombie. Dunno, thats what i see.
cool lol. wait, u take a pic of a model in model viewer and find the model of a headcrab in the model viewer and take a picture of it, then open the picture model in photoshop and put the headcrab on the head in a way? can i do that in paint?

ahh god i cant find i way to do that. can u tell me how to do that?

hey i think i found a way to do it. first so its messy.

lol! :)

Yeah, you COULD do it in paint... But it wouldnt be as good as photoshop ;)

EDIT: oh and btw, yes, I print screen the charactor, and then the hedcrab