
I worked on a theory for the Zombine..

Since Combine soliders had there innards took out, the Headcrab host, find nothing much to live off on a Combine solider, it only controls its enhanced mind, and with it, Kamikazes any enemy near it.

Kinda reminds me of that Fat Vloater Flood enemy in Halo

@99.vikram the other enemy is stalker, cause it has proper AI in it, in EP1
99.vikram said:
4 new enemies?
-Crab Synth
-Mortar Synth

The other new enemy is a stalker. It should have been obvious to you because they are shown in the new screenshots.
Mugato said:
I hope the Citadel explosion is on the same level as Fear's finale. Say what you will about the game itself, that final moment was jaw-dropping.
Too true. I'd love to load that level up and just watch the ending but i can't be bothered trying to play through that game again. So boring.
There doesn't seem to be any evidence for either synth being an enemy in the episode from the GCF file. According to Valve, the last pre-load update was released today, and I checked it out and there's still nothing. I wonder how old that article was, because unless something sneaky is done and there's still more to be released, it doesn't look like they're in.
Sparta said:
Too true. I'd love to load that level up and just watch the ending but i can't be bothered trying to play through that game again. So boring.

So true you god you :thumbs:
TheCheckt said:
That's for the skybox.

There is code for a ministrider in TF2; and in the commentary there is a wav file called newstrider.wav
^Ben said:
There is code for a ministrider in TF2; and in the commentary there is a wav file called newstrider.wav

Isn't that just because the strider has a new weapon on it?
This one (my good sir) OWENS.

EDIT: Log on MSN Messanger Biatch.
So according to that article on Eurogamer we will actually see a poison zombine.
Oh yeah
Later, the Zombines become even more deadly as they stagger towards you with several poisonous headcrabs stacked on top of their toppling bodies

Changed the colour so its harder to see because of spoilers
Okay - now that we've been exposed to the Zombines in Episode 1, I have a question about their grenade behavior. (Mod, maybe split this topic?) Is their use of a grenade random? Can you grab it out of their hand with the gravity gun? It seems like I could, but didn't think about it until after the game. They were close enough to gonomes for me. What I liked about fighting the gonomes was that they'd charge you, instead of limping after you. The zombines would occasionally charge you and if they had a lit grenade...

Anyway, I'm off to try to steal their grenades and see what happens.
I managed to do that as well...although by accident. The only gripe I have with zombines is...no matter what way you take off the headcrab they only show their bottom jaw (skull) attached to the neck. No flesh, no full skull (although the top half can be found ages away if you go looking for it) and no insight into what they might look like :(
Darksabre said:
I managed to do that as well...although by accident. The only gripe I have with zombines is...no matter what way you take off the headcrab they only show their bottom jaw (skull) attached to the neck. No flesh, no full skull (although the top half can be found ages away if you go looking for it) and no insight into what they might look like :(

You really expect something is under the mask? The mask IS most of their head. :borg:
zombiestalker, you are the most screwed poster ive ever seen. posting two retarted threads on the hl2 side and reviving a one year old thread. are u sane?
well, who the heck revives such an old thread. i have a feeling this is gonna become a "personal attack" thread..

besides, i am a headcrab, i cant possibly be a godlike poster..
zombiestalker, you are the most screwed poster ive ever seen. posting two retarted threads on the hl2 side and reviving a one year old thread. are u sane?

Actually he posted 3 retarded threads. And he's retarded for ever thinking there would be a zomker and if there ever was it would be called that. Stalkie.
alright alright, calm down, clear the steam in your manhack head..din noe youll take the insult so seriously..
ZombieStalker is a ****ing funny guy. Don't ban him, he makes me laugh.
BTW why do we never see Zombines in all of Half Life 2 but all of the sudden we do in Episode 1? I think it is because they had a field that protected even the dead ones from headcrabs but now the field is gone and they are susceptible to those things which is damn good. It also explains why the things remove the head of them, it may still contain a charge that antagonizes the creatures to such a degree but still does not really stop them from that


Corporalmisspelled+me apparently cool to a degree
The Combine were more in control in Half-Life 2 so there were no opportunity for Zombines, in Episode One there is more chaos meaning Zombies overrunning some Combine is possible.
They could easily have technological measures against them in those suits so they probably do, and they probably centralized it so they could turn it off for some and how about the fight at the end of the game it would have been seen around