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  1. T

    Totally Cheesed

    Well a game shouldn't be released with a bug as bad as that. That what's testing is for. Steam is annoying enough with DSL, with dial-up it's a ****ing nightmare. Right now my brother is going through all that bullshit where you have to send them a photograph of your CD key so they can reset it...
  2. T

    Hi i'm new

    Well by now you should have a pretty fine impression of what goes on in this forum. :E
  3. T

    what countries have you been to?

    Damn straight. I've been to Ireland (where I live), France, Germany, England... uh... that's it I suppose. :( I intend to visit Cuba and Japan, and possibly live in the US for a while. When I'm middle aged and rich, I'll go all around Africa and Asia and places like that.
  4. T

    Favorite songs of your favorite bands

    1. Avashai Cohen Tio - Saba 2. S.O.U.L. - Burning Spear :afro: 3. Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man (later, 1972 version) 4. John Scofield Trio and Pat Metheny - Everybody's Party 5. Weather Report - Barbary Coast The order of these does not reflect my preference. And am I the only one...
  5. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    I didn't find Alyx a tease because I kept moving at fastish pace. I reckon she get annoying very fast if you played at slow pace like my brother. He practically crawls everywhere in all FPSs.
  6. T

    should gym in high school be mandatory?

    Far too many people are over weight in every developed country. And by the way, technically obese is a lot worse than overweight, but I won't be too picky about it; I still know what you mean. I don't want to descend into a war of terminology.
  7. T

    Sexual ambiguity and HL2

    Your right. That never occured to me. But then I meant that beyond the context of the game. So many girls I know seem to enjoy being really, annoyingly girlish. I don't hate them for it, because it takes a stronger-than-usual mind to see past the role that society assigns you. I hope I don't...
  8. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    Yup, I suppose. Best not to get too cynical. :)
  9. T

    Why is the internet awesome?

    Not the owls. Those websites of videos of people being tortured and ripped apart and generally suffering. People who enjoy those are insecure.
  10. T

    You're first experience of HL

    I first played Uplink on my cousin's pc in France. We made up a song about it. I can only remember the lines: " Pied de biche et mitraileuse. C'est Halflife avec du sang... " (I hope I'm spelling that right. It means "crowbar and machine gun. This is halflife with blood..." bear in mind we were...
  11. T

    I can't get over..

    Hehe, nice signature, Tehsolace. Yup, I fired loads of energy balls into the core. Reactor cores are a big cliche in games, but the one in EP1... beautiful... almost visual poetry... bliss...
  12. T

    "Apparently, we suck at Episode 1."

    It said in the commentery that they modified the strider's AI so that when you fired a rocket at it, it wouldn't shoot you till the rocket exploded, even if you were right in front it. That's why I liked them in HL2, becuase as long as you kept the laser on it, it would keep its machine gun on...
  13. T

    Why is the internet awesome?

    Wikipedia, forums ( and and informative websites and multiplayer kick ass. Porn... made obsolete by Alyx. Stupid websites like, and all those others are pure shit. As are "funny" pictures of George Bush and animals saying stuff (especially...
  14. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    And that's why I still don't have a girlfriend.
  15. T

    Sexual ambiguity and HL2

    Dude, you left out the second (equally important) part of my post: I said I wasn't arguing that she is a lesbian. Either way I don't care. I was just pointing out that Blink was wrong when she said her Dad built Dog for her. And I don't believe I'm in any way sexist. In some other...
  16. T

    should gym in high school be mandatory?

    Dude, according to a 2004 National Geographic article, 31.9% of Americans are obese. Wikipedia says that for 2003 - 2004, the percentage for adults over 20 years old was 32.2% and for children aged 2 - 17 years old it was 17.1. Your wrong, dude, just plain wrong.
  17. T

    Your Most Embarrassing Moments ?

    Wow. Steppeng on a president's foot. That's brilliant. Nicely done.
  18. T

    New Vehicle

    I see how it could be handy as armour now. In any case, the one in the released game will probably be different.
  19. T

    New Vehicle

    Probably the wrong choice of word. Sorry. What I meant is that I think it looks too loaded with stuff that appear to have no function considering it was built from junk. The scout car in HL2 was equally home-made and it's little more that a frame, an engine and wheels. In fact, looking at...
  20. T

    Your Most Embarrassing Moments ?

    Some of these posts are incredible. Here's mine: I was in my friend's kitchen with his girlfriend and two or three others when in walks my friend's father. There is all the usual "hi" and "hello" and curt nods. My friend's father gets something from the fridge and leaves. Then my friend says to...