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  1. reap

    AMD Athlon XP vs Athlon 64

    I like the sound of the V6...
  2. reap


    I'm buying this hottie
  3. reap


    You can also use Paint :)
  4. reap

    Oh, ok, so I'm supposed to introduce myself?

    I offer you a warm welcome.
  5. reap

    FireFox 1.0 sucks

    I downloaded FF few weeks ago and I love it! The ctrl + f thing is much better than in IE. And FF has never crashed in my use. IE had recently some serious security problems... i'm talking about the Iframe vulnerability... I don't care if IE is 0,0001 ms faster than FF I am more considered...
  6. reap

    Battle for middle earth review.

    Well if the game gets 8+ points then it is good but it is just a number it is the text inside the review that matters.
  7. reap

    ATI or Nvidia?

    ATI vs Nvidia is a endless battle so I would lock this topic...
  8. reap

    Next-Gen Game teasers from EA.

    Do you mean Xbox next/PS3 or what?
  9. reap

    Next-Gen Game teasers from EA.

    How much will the next-gen consoles cost? Those pics are amazing
  10. reap

    Brothers in Arms video

    Well if you think it that way then Halo, half-life, doom are same shit... but they aren't. I haven't played a bad WW2 game, because each one of them are different and i think it is important to remember those veterans who fought for our lives. Remember that there are never too much games.
  11. reap

    Buying a new comp.

    the PSU is HEC 350 W and the video card is Club 3d X800 XT cpu is AMD 64 3000+ winchester (939) and 1gig DDR400
  12. reap

    Do you like steam?

    Oops! sorry, my mistake :o
  13. reap

    Buying a new comp.

    A64 3000+ X800 xt 1gig ram 350 psu Abit KT800PRO Do you think that the CPU is good enough for X800 XT? What do you think is this good enough to run most of the games on high settings?
  14. reap

    Do you like steam?

    Tell us your opinion
  15. reap

    3D-card plz read ones.

    ok maybe you should take 6600 gt...
  16. reap

    3D-card plz read ones.

    I would recommend 9800 pro 256mb 256bit or 9800 pro 128mb 256bit but if you want a 6x00 then you have to take 6600 gt or 6800 LE... but I would still recommend 9800 pro
  17. reap

    Competition for UnrealEngine3 and Reality Engine

    I agree with you.
  18. reap

    X800SE, 6800NU, or 6600GT?

    x800SE has only 8 pipelines and it is not good...
  19. reap

    X800SE, 6800NU, or 6600GT?

    I would pick 6800NU, but it ís your opinion.
  20. reap

    Fahrenheit 9/11 ...the sequel?!

    I heard that Michael Moore said before the election that if GW wins he would move to Canada... Anyway I don't like that idiot (Moore), he is so full of himself.