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  1. T

    Other locations..

    Yeah that's what I guessed...wouldn't be too interested in seeing that though, somehow...unless it was really hardcore, like miles of nests, tunnels and a massive version of the biolabs in Op For
  2. T

    the G-Man, elixir of life, or Alien....

    Nice to see that amongst the alien invasions and devestation of Earth, Gordon has had the time to dye his hair black and recieve laser eye surgery. Lame theory without much substance, imo.
  3. T

    Looking for Original Half Life Advertisement: 'Fastest Way to a Man's Heart...'

    Hey eraser, YOU THE MAN! I've had those videos for more than a year but never managed to see them till now. I even emailed the guy who made the Nostalgia Project to no avail. They're a great watch, thanks a lot!
  4. T

    G-Man Organisation ?

    Maybe he starts to trust Gordon (esp if they've been working together for 10 years) and lets his guard down...then Gordon finds some terrible secret that G-Man kept from him..bang. It'd be a great shock-start to HL2! On the other hand, maybe the G-Man and the other human leader (forget his...
  5. T

    I presumed this would be the last Half Life....

    I know what you're saying, and I've given it some thought previously. But I think that, even if some places weren't vapourised by the blast/fireball itself, the shockwave/tremor from the explosion would easily make everything in the area collapse. Especially given that it's underground - any...
  6. T

    Other locations..

    Well, it's not meant to be Half-Life. It's Half-Life 2. Different game. Seriously though, you can't expect the same game. The key important things (IMO) about HL that we'd want to see replicated are the clever story and very immersive atmosphere. If they've been able to pull it off in such a...
  7. T

    G-Man Organisation ?

    Maybe Gordon works for the G-Man at the very start of the game, finds out what's going on in City 17, and kills the G-Man so he can join the resistance....
  8. T

    I presumed this would be the last Half Life....

    Black Mesa was wiped out by a nuke in Op Forces. I don't think there will be anything left to go back to. And I think the resonance cascade was a one-off thing, just at the start of HL, rather than a continuing process
  9. T

    G-Man Organisation ?

    Well, maybe she's had owned it for ten years, since she lived at BMRF as a kid? Maybe it was her dead mother's work clothes at BMRF and she wears it to remember...plenty of possibilities. No mystery there.
  10. T

    the G-Man, elixir of life, or Alien....

    If he was some kind of super-human or super-alien, or hybrid, or cyborg, or WHATEVER, why would he be bothering with minutae like evaluating Freeman and Corporal Shepard for recruitment? I think he's just a regular government man, just with very advanced technology (hence his teleporting and...
  11. T

    I presumed this would be the last Half Life....

    Er, are you looking for serious answers, cos without knowing *forbidden* knowledge (i.e. from the source code), I don't think anyone could know. One thing I think could be cool would be Freeman and his allies forcing whoever the enemy is this time off Earth, then the third game being an all-out...
  12. T

    PC Zone UK out tomorrow with HL2 Exclusive

    Gamespy has new screenshots today. Sorry if this has already been posted here but it sounds to me to be what people are looking for:
  13. T

    the G-Man, elixir of life, or Alien....

    This is a moot question; There is no official line that Gordon has been in stasis (AFAIK, I could be wrong), and Vance isn't much different to what he looked like before (in terms of aging): The amount of grey hair he has is only a...
  14. T

    The origin of Combine tech

    How can you hate it if you never watch it? ;)
  15. T

    The origin of Combine tech

    Breen is an unfortunate name. I reckon there's probably a lot of crossover between HL players and Star Trek fans, who will be thinking of the aliens of the same name from the show.
  16. T

    hl2 not so far off in the future...

    Dunno if you're being serious or making a joke...but if you are being're wrong about the date. Like I said before, HL1 is definitely based sometime in the current decade, as shown by the Administrator's letter in the manual.
  17. T

    Losing the Hype momentum

    Oh man, you're killing me! I'd seen the reviews saying it wasn't brilliant, but this sucks... I loved Deus Ex, it really was an amazing piece of work. If I had a longer attention span and better tolerance for the RPG elements, it'd easily beat HL as my favourite game.
  18. T

    Losing the Hype momentum

    I don't really mind waiting, there are other games in the mean time. Once I've finished at Uni I mean to get around to buying Vice City and Far Cry. Stalker: Oblivion Lost looks pretty cool too. Like lots of serious PC gamers, I am holding out on any relevant system upgrades until HL2 comes...
  19. T

    Anyone know about this??

    Er, shut up man. Obviously they're talking about the two scientists who brief Freeman before he goes into the big test chamber. What, should they have said, "They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamber airlock room" ?
  20. T

    hl2 not so far off in the future...

    Well, can get a vague timescale for the HL series based on the fact the HL1 occured some time in the current decade. The letter to Gordon from the Administrator in the HL1 manual is dated something-something-"200-". The last digit was left off so we wouldn't know exactly when the game happened...