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  1. F

    Halflife 2 GTA mod recruiting new members and a new mod

    I doubt that excuse would stand up in court*, somehow... "What do you mean 'I stole their game's name' ? It's a commonly used expression... And just because my game is about crime, stealing cars and running about in a city, it doesn't mean I'm stealing any ideas from their game which is...
  2. F

    Stargate: Source mod shut down

    I think the other Stargate mod just broke up into 2 teams, but I'm not sure... I think I remember everyone saying "see ? we told you you'd get shut down" and them objecting that they hadn't and wouldn't be.
  3. F

    Stargate: Source mod shut down

    You LOVE to say "I told you so".
  4. F

    Halflife 2 GTA mod recruiting new members and a new mod

    I was considering posting a message to the effect of "There are loads of 'GTA' mods out there that have no work done on them... people aren't going to make your ripped-off mod for you" for the first reply. I'm glad I didn't now, as I'd have looked quite silly. Get a new name, though.
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    WIP: DM_ThingyThing

  6. F

    Sounds and music.

    GCFScape :
  7. F

    can any modelers help me

    I'm not sure you want to start at that sort of level if you're new to it... I'm learning to model, and have found this pretty damn useful : If you can listen to the guy doing the video saying "what the hell is going on here ?" without...
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    Why Work on Stupid Mods?

    But only a coder could really make something playable... anyone who's just an "artist" would only be able to show stuff with HL2DM rules.
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    Why Work on Stupid Mods?

    /me opens can labelled "worms" How much modding skill do you need to lead ? Mapping is arguably the easiest modding skill to learn... could a mapper lead a mod team ? For anyone else, I'd have suggested "Coders only !" for mod leaders... But as I have (in my opinion) a spanky mod idea...
  10. F

    Small question in XSI

    print screen ?
  11. F

    Where should modifications mainly focus on?

    Well, if you could have fluid physics... why not ? I can't off hand think of any in-game function for realistic water, but if you were to make a map on a sinking ship, it'd be nice to have the water realisticly flooding the level, rather than being a textured func_train.
  12. F

    Starting a Multiplayer Mod Difficulties

    Are you putting the changed .dlls in the right place ? /me replies using only limited HL1 coding knowledge
  13. F

    ****ed up . . .

    Then what are you doing ?
  14. F

    Stargate: Source - Looking for coders and mappers

    Not in the A in "Star", but yes on the A in "Gate". /me wipes away another tear
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    Stargate: Source - Looking for coders and mappers

    As a pretty big Stargate geek, reading your design doc almost made me cry in some places. But yea, jumping on the "get permission or don't bother" bandwagon for this one... illegally using Stargate IP is even more silly seeing as there's an offical game out soon.
  16. F

    Coursework Art help (Read: Urgent)

    Shouldn't you make sure you know how to do something before deciding to do it 10 hours before an exam ?
  17. F

    We Need -->your<-- Help!

    Perhaps he should...
  18. F

    Need Help to Start up a Mod Idea

    I left this alone to begin with, as usually these threads die out when nobody offers to help, but now I feel I should chip in... Going by the above quote, do you really think you leading this mod is such a good idea...?
  19. F

    YeY, hackers..

    Everyone *does* have the model they're using... they're not swapping the file of their player model for something different, they're using a different model from the game for their player model.
  20. F

    need help testing maps on sdk please help!!!!!!

    I think the text-to-punctuation ratio was thrown way out of whack at the end of the first line... but I don't understand either. Could you re-phrase the question ?