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  1. F


    Ahhh, I misunderstood what you meant by 'polishing'. :) The only reason I'm even considering trying to make the mod is because *in theory* it should be easy to make. :) (well, easy compared to some of the other ideas out there) Obviously I can't say this for a HL2 based version, but in the...
  2. F


    Having the priority being "making it look nice" seems wrong, somehow. If HL2 / the SDK do come out before September and/or I have enough spare time to work on this, I can't see the time being plentiful... that's why I'm saying most if not all of the looks of the game will be recycled from HL2...
  3. F


    OK... where to start... I'm just posting this here as a "this is my idea, stay away from it !" and to hear opinions / suggestions. :) The theme of my mod idea is hunting / staying alive. One team are Hunters, and the other Runners. The Hunters are strong, while the Runners are weak, and...
  4. F


    Well, you say you're trying to get a solid backstory, we're just poking at the very un-solid bit until you fix it. :P
  5. F


    How can you cancel a distress signal ? If you mean by sending a "False alarm, don't worry !" message after it, surely it'd still get attention when nothing else was heard from the ship for 2 years ?
  6. F

    Tactical Stigma

    Well, "mods wot r bein dun" don't really need webpages... or code... or models... or any work at all done for them. That's why I spelt it the way I did. :) "Mods wot r bein dun" are the ones in the many posts that appear on this very forum... Someone sees a film, a game, a TV show or even...
  7. F

    Mods based on a license

    They'll either be kept quiet until the moment of release, or shut down the moment the copyright owners spot them.
  8. F

    Tactical Stigma

    My guess would be that it's just that 'giant mech fights' take quite a high ranking in the "Mods wot r bein dun" listings... ie/ 1/ Terrorists vs. Counter Terrorists 2/ World War 2 3/ Mechs It probably wasn't your idea as much as the fact that it contained 'mechs'. :)
  9. F

    How would one start modding?

    Animated gifs can be made with Flash, or if you have no money and morals, I got a free program off the front of a magazine ages ago called "Ulead Gif Animator" which is probably available on the internet somewhere. You just make a series of pictures, each being 1 frame of the animation, then...
  10. F

    Anyone see the GameSpy quote from Gabe? was ?
  11. F

    Anyone see the GameSpy quote from Gabe?

    Well, it is written in full English... perhaps it would've been better understood if it was written "Nd I ben playin a lot of th onlyn game HURRY ^ AD SHIP HL2 U IDOTS B4 MY SHIFT KEY WERS OT".
  12. F

    Anyone see the GameSpy quote from Gabe?

    Erm... to me it just looks like he's making a 'joke' about how every time he's on the net / checks his mail / whatever he's bombarded by people screaming "Hurry up and ship HL2".
  13. F

    How to start Modding

    Damn you, slightly faster person !
  14. F

    How to start Modding

    Yip, Onions knows how to mod. :) And sadly there is no "for dummies" route... you have to learn C++, then get the HL SDK, then poke about learning how it all fits together and works, then start changing things... only to find the changes cause some unexpected random thing to happen and send...
  15. F

    'M.I.T'-SP mod needs team members

    I'd say the problem was that your help wanted post is 66% story, 33% game description. And in that game description you don't really describe the game very much... You say you can raise the price of resources, but in the story say they're scavenged. What do you need the resources for...
  16. F Community Mod

    That won't be unique though... once HL2 and the SDK are out I'd bet money that there'll be at least 20 mods whose gameplay will be nothing more than 'team deathmatch with heavy objects to throw' or 'gravity gun v. gravity gun'.
  17. F Community Mod

    That actually sounds quite entertaining. :)
  18. F

    'Beta' amnesty

    I've run about on some of the levels from the e3 videos, mainly e3_techdemo_2 just to chuck stuff about and see whether the physics were as good as they were made out to be, and see if the game has the same 'feel' to it as HL1. Naughty... but nice. :) It was like one of those tests they...
  19. F

    Star Wars Galaxies

    Wow. Just... wow.