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  1. Termite

    All Chapters Unlocked When New Game Started?

    I just remembered this, and when I put HL2 in and started a new game, all of the chapters were unlocked. Did this happen to anyone else?
  2. Termite

    xbox cheat codes?

    But... Cheating is fun...
  3. Termite

    who is like me and....

    You're not alone, Darkangel. I, having an uncontrollable need for video games, feel the same way.
  4. Termite

    Portal: Location?

    God, I really hope that this will be playable on Xbox. *Sigh...* It probably won't.
  5. Termite

    Videogame Addict Clinic

    I've played 21 hours straight. Well, with snack and bathroom breaks of course. My eyes bled a bit the next day. Ow.
  6. Termite

    Scariest Video game moments (the remix x27!)

    Definetly when I played Doom 3 with my friend in his basement with the lights off. Also when I played Silent Hill 3 alone with the lights off. I was trying to make myself really scared. It worked.
  7. Termite

    REAL TF2 screenie

    It seems good. I saw this same pic on Attack of the Show this morning.
  8. Termite

    E3 vids.

    Yahoo's Video Search works really well for me.
  9. Termite

    The Scanners

    I think that the scanner may be scanning their fingerprints or... Wait. Is that arm lifting thing on just the PC? I've never seen any of the citizens do that on my Xbox.
  10. Termite

    I killed father Gregory and took his shotgun!!

    The physics engine on the Xbox version may be more complex. I tried it several times and the gate just shoved the radiator out.
  11. Termite

    Manipulator cheat glitch?

    It's not that it's a glitch, it's that the game's engine isn't made for that. The gravity gun isn't supposed to pick up objects that size and mass. You're very lucky that your PC didn't crash. In short: The physics engine isn't as strong as you think it is. Even for Havok.
  12. Termite

    Please help... Unsolvable slow-mo issue with HL2

    Try running a virus check. Have you played these games before on your system?
  13. Termite

    Coaxing the Antlion Guard to fight the Combine prison guards

    I have an Xbox too, and this same thing has happened. It's awfully wierd. I wish I had a PC because of all the stuff you can do on it. Console commands, mods, ect.
  14. Termite

    Poll: Should Combine Orb Vaporize Player?

    Well, what happens when the suit is out of power? That's when he should get vaporized.
  15. Termite

    "Non-mechanical reproduction simulation"

    Hmm. Odd. Who the hell would want to have sex with a robot?
  16. Termite

    How/Who built the Citadel?

    I doubt that it came through a portal, because the portal had to of been up about a mile in the air. When I first saw the thumpers, I thought that they were new citadels. I just think that they normally builded it. But, with all of their advanced tecnology, It was built much faster...
  17. Termite

    well, I think its cool..

    I once shot a combine soldier on a billboard, and for some odd reason, he whas hanging by his foot by an invisible elastic and bouning. I guess he was a bungee jumper.
  18. Termite

    Civil Protection sayings 'n stuff

    I believe that the Anti-citizen Level 5 means that on a scale of danger, rebellion, ect. he is a level 5 danger... Or something.
  19. Termite

    Just got HL2: RTB

    I don't have a PC, and I don't have the money to buy one. It is really tempting, though. I wish I did so I could play it. :(
  20. Termite

    Something Odd In Water Hazard

    I have an Xbox. Duh!