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  1. T

    Compound at Night

    NO NO NO NO AND NO. This is exactly what makes cs what it is. There is none of that switchy shit and none of that unstatic enviornment stuff. The reason CS is the most played tournament game is because its world is static, well balanced, and unmanipulatable. The physics barrels and cabinets in...
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    play *name of file* the file path starts from /cstrike/sound so if your shit is in /cstrike/sound/misc/file.mp3 you type: play misc/file.mp3
  3. T


    play (filepath from cstrike) lol
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    I know how to play files from the console, is there anyway to make the game play some music automatically when I join a game? And I dont want to run winamp.
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    2 problems with update, or questions rather

    Strangely I first noticed it when I bought a Famas. Dunno why it seemed extra slow with it, but still every server running speeds seem slower.
  6. T

    That DoD:Source video is really dissapointing =(

    I was saying it looks exactly like the first HL1 engine version, thanks for posting the pics to back up my point, that first one especially really shows what im talking about. Straight up HL1 status. Should see what the new Train man looks like on CS, wooowee thats nice.
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    2 problems with update, or questions rather

    im runnin 1600 1200 with anti aliasing im getting 110 fps, its not the framerate. Its the running speeds.
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    That DoD:Source video is really dissapointing =(

    Do you think that from a late beta to the final they will actually make and replace all weapon models and player models and all the maps? doubtfull.
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    That DoD:Source video is really dissapointing =(

    If it wasn't for the ragdolls I wouldn't even believe that it was source, the game looks EXACTLY the same as the first. The levels are exact ports with just some rope hanging here and there and maybe alittle background eye candy. The models are exactly the same both player and weapons. I can't...
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    2 problems with update, or questions rather

    1) The player models arm clips hardcore, pretty clumsy I'm sure everyone notice (everyone but Valve ofcourse but wheres the surprise) just hope they fix that. 2) Have the running speeds been reduced? I seriously feel a significant slowdown in the running speeds. Not to say its bad but just...
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    Do we really need 50 threads saying the exact same shit as the announcement thread did?
  12. T

    Okay I think THIS deserves a thread.

    THIS... IS... A.... COMPUTER... GAME.
  13. T

    DM map in progress...

    its full bright dude
  14. T

    cs_assualt anyone!?

    Im already making a CS ASSAULT in the custom maps forum, cmon man pay attention! =D
  15. T

    Okay I think THIS deserves a thread.

    I've done that many times, shoot the grenade back. You cant do it while its on the ground but if its still in the air you can. Whats even gayer that happened is when I was running down this thing at the begninning of round, 100 armor 100 hp, some dude threw a nade and got a HEADSHOT on me with a...
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    Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)

    1) Fan converted maps are not popular amongst servers, these maps will be 2) VAC2 wont help you. I give it 2 weeks before they hack the VAC2 and start cheating again. Shit I bet the simple CS HOOK from ***** will still work with VAC2. No matter what you do the hackers will always make more...
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    Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)

    about ****in time, 6+ months of CSS and finally they bring new models, hopefully they are MORE not just replaced.
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    Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)

    Wait.. are those new player CT models?
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    cs_assault_source beta screenshots!

    Those two little poles i made quickly for the sake of the screenshots, in the finish It's going to be 2 big police spotlights. Ya know how police do that, if theres some hostage situation they always shine those big lights thru the windows, on the inside of the warhouse youll see the light...
  20. T

    Update: Train and Compound

    waht new models