Search results

  1. Sprite

    Mappers who can make use of...

    Wow, a non-profit mod not sharing help and tips to other non-profit much for the HL2 'community'...
  2. Sprite

    Danish Muhammad cartoon

    I can't open the pictures but nowadays we have something called freedom of the press. Yes, publishing these is stupid, immature and asking for trouble, but if it is not inciting religious or racial hatred, then this seems to be fine.
  3. Sprite

    Only 16% Support Clinton Presidential Bid

    To be honest I can't say much about possible candidates being from the UK (and knowing hardly anything about US politics), but I think if Condoleeza Rice was a candidate then the Republican Party would become a joke. Rudy is most likely to be the candidate, and tbh I think he would be the next...
  4. Sprite

    Where is Channel 4 going?

    Uh, didn't see it but just found this:
  5. Sprite

    Where is Channel 4 going?

    Recently, I've noticed there have been some pretty wierd documentaries on for what I used to consider the best independant channel. Recently, there's been such gems as: - The Man Who Ate His Lover - The Man Who Slept for 19 Years - The Two-Headed Baby - The Half-Ton Man - The 80-year-old...
  6. Sprite

    Incoming Source - Hiring Talent

    Not only did you fail to explain why you treat your members like such shit, you avoided the point and gave an untrue answer. There wasn't just one instance, there have been various ex-members who have said you knowingly/deliberately broke IP copyright, were treated badly and unfairly and threw...
  7. Sprite

    Anyone listen to Breaking Benjamin?

    Never heard of them, but FireFly is a great song by InMe :P
  8. Sprite

    Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories

    I have believed the Moon landing conspiracy for a while, the evidence proves this and with the Space Race/Cold War around I'm sure it was possible.
  9. Sprite

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    found my punk collection :) The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love The Clash - Rock the Casbah/London Calling/White Riot/Clampdown/I Fought The Law etc Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK/God Save the Queen/Pretty Vacant etc The Specials - Ghost Town (:D)
  10. Sprite

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    This and the rest of the new album. Oh, and Radiohead - Karma Police
  11. Sprite

    Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure

    HAHA really good find!
  12. Sprite

    a WW2 mod, seen from a germans eyes

    :laugh: No seriously, unless it's anything new rather than a change of perspective, ditch WW2.
  13. Sprite

    Incoming Source : We <3 Mappers

    Nah, after browsing some other forums I've realised what a joke this mod and it's leader is. About half way down. In fact the whole topic is full of rubbish from 'Praz'.
  14. Sprite

    Incoming Source : We <3 Mappers

    Yeh, inm_canals looks really good but I'm not digging inm_strike. The displacements look amazing but for me it's just too bare and bland. Weapon models look awesome, and the mod itself is professional, but a lot of the ideas and stories seem to be all mixed together randomly.... Halo player...
  15. Sprite

    Guantanamo Bay: "I'm loving it!"

    Those US Servicemen being the same who work in Abu Ghraib? In fact, Janis Karpinski said she was told from the top to treat detainees like dogs "as it is done in Guantanamo [Camp Delta]". Oh and lets not forget the government and military enquiries: On June 3, 2005, a U.S. military report...
  16. Sprite

    Guantanamo Bay: "I'm loving it!"

    Wow, what a failure of an argument. army Maj. Jeffrey Weir responds: "There is no torture here. We just don't do that. It doesn't happen." `As long as we have detainees here there has to be an effort ... to see that they're treated humanely.' Lt.-Col. Jeremy Martin, U.S. military spokesman...
  17. Sprite

    Guantanamo Bay: "I'm loving it!"

    McDonalds are making money out of an illegal camp which has (and probably still does) tortured innocent people, breaking many international human rights laws. Now which bit of that didn't you understand? I find it pretty sick if you believe this is fine. And no-one seems to have answered...
  18. Sprite

    Guantanamo Bay: "I'm loving it!"

  19. Sprite

    Guantanamo Bay: "I'm loving it!"

    First of all Glint, in future please use the BBC for your news. I don't know what shit you are watching but believe me, Gitmo is a hell of a lot worse than state prisons. Secondly, are you seriously supporting corporations who make money from places deemed illegal (not to mention immoral) by...
  20. Sprite

    best film soundtrack?

    I don't really remember soundtracks but Kill Bill's is very good.