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  1. G

    The Insurgency Has Finally Begun!

    I'm not into the whole uber-realism thing, but they did do a very nice job on this mod. Props for the high-quality work.
  2. G

    Strider Mountain Media

    It's spelled "losing," not "loosing." :dork:
  3. G

    New & Final Cover Art

    Not too many graphic artists on this forum, are there?
  4. G

    No time to join a full mod team? Make single maps instead

    Call it whatever you want, I'm interested in making high-quality single maps to release to the community. I'm sure you will agree that it takes much less time to create a single map for an existing game than it does to create a whole new gameplay experience, which is more what I consider to be...
  5. G

    No time to join a full mod team? Make single maps instead

    Mapping, art direction, distribution and quality control. Amongst other things.
  6. G

    No time to join a full mod team? Make single maps instead

    I posted a thread about this a while back, but it didn't pan out at the time. Personally, I don't have the time to devote to working on a full mod, so I've tried doing single map projects by myself. Unfortunately, I don't have the experience with modelling/skinning, voice acting, texture...
  7. G

    Jailbreak ? Can you Break out?

    Forgive my ignorance, but what do you do when you are stuck in jail? Just stand around waiting for someone else to bust you out? That sounds pretty boring to me.
  8. G

    Valve reuses map geometry from HL2 for the episodes

    I don't know- if you look at the stairs in the third screen and compare them to the ones in the last screen, they appear very much the same, as do some other elements of each map. Perhaps they did use the same reference photos, but I don't think it would be impractical to take a releatively...
  9. G

    Valve reuses map geometry from HL2 for the episodes

    Hope this hasn't been posted. I was playing through Half-Life 2 the other day and noticed a particular area that seemed to really remind me of a spot from Episode One. So I loaded up EP1 and found the spot and realized that Valve had most likely taken part of an HL2 map and made some changes...
  10. G

    Favorite songs of your favorite bands

    Just so you are aware, Blackfield is not by Porcupine Tree. It is a separate band that started as a collaboration between PT frontman Steven Wilson and Israeli singer/songwriter Aviv Geffen. Anyway, their new album is coming out soon can't wait. BTW, here's my current list Porcupine...
  11. G

    Very disappointed in EP1

    "Stupider" isn't a word. ;)
  12. G

    Docean [MAP&ART Dump]

    I've been really surprised by the lack of normal maps in user-made maps/mods. They are not that difficult to make and the payoff is exponential. This map looks all right the way it is, but it would look great if there was depth to the textures, along with specular reflections to give the...
  13. G

    Very disappointed in EP1

    That's precisely what Episode is meant to be. So yeah, you missed the point.
  14. G

    Half Life 2 as an episode

    If Valve do decide to release another full Half-Life game, it will probably be in 3-4 years anyway, and you'll have three episodes to play in between. It will probably be released sooner because there will be fewer technical issues to iron out because they were all ironed out through the episodes.
  15. G

    How many times did you ...

    Her response was sarcastic, not literal. And her father was originally Captain Vance, not Odessa.
  16. G

    Final Escape Update

    Mappers really need to stop overusing effects like the point_spotlight. As with all effects, its only "effective" when used in moderation. I count no less than five spotlights in each of those screenshots. It makes maps look like they were made by inexperienced people.
  17. G

    HL2 does have real time shoadows!

    Valve were shooting for a realistic lighting. Rarely in life do you see objects in such high contrast because natural light isn't that harsh. A light built by the combine, however, is probably intensely bright. The striders have the very same normal maps and shadows in this screen as they do...
  18. G

    Eclipse Download

    Mine crapped out before I could finish it. Blackmoore doesn't seem to work very well for some reason.
  19. G

    HalfLife2 models in CS:S

    What about using CSS models in Half-Life 2? I tried moving a feww from the CSS gcf to the models directory in my mod, and they worked, but it was a pain in the butt to figure out which materials to move along with them. Is there any way to create your own gcf?
  20. G

    Single Map Mods

    That would be great. If you happen to know or can find anyone that does any of the other stuff I listed, tell them about it. But anyway, once your email is back up shoot me a line and we'll talk about some ideas. Or just IM me.