Search results

  1. KoreBolteR-

    Worst or Most Pointless Show on TV?

    yeh i agree with you all. we need more PROPER shows and less reality tv b**lshit :)
  2. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    LOL dont start with that john terry stuff, LOL! cool, but for some reason my bf2 goes slow even tho i have a GeForce 6800GS :S
  3. KoreBolteR-

    Movie too large? Help!

    couldnt u split them up and put them on 4 diff disks..?
  4. KoreBolteR-

    stupid gamestop any ideas?

    wtf?? :S go and kick thier asses.
  5. KoreBolteR-

    Boy rapes 4 girls

    im tellin ya, the UK needs toughter laws! bring back the death penalty!
  6. KoreBolteR-

    Global Disaster, what would you do?

    i can see north korea nuking everyone tho..
  7. KoreBolteR-

    Worst or Most Pointless Show on TV?

    Eurovision song contest.
  8. KoreBolteR-

    How do YOU kiss?

    just do it so out noses brush back and fourth as we change angles.. lol.. if ya get me. and grab her ass aswell :)
  9. KoreBolteR-

    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    as a welsh person. i would like england too win. as they are our next door neighbours. :)
  10. KoreBolteR-

    Global Disaster, what would you do?

    id just stay with friends and family probably.
  11. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    your name rings a bell jnightshade, then again i was on here everyday before! thx for the welcome and badger, hello matey ;) is there any chance you can rechange my old accounts password? so i can get my postcount back.. lol :P:P
  12. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    LOL!! shakermaker! nice to see ya man!
  13. KoreBolteR-

    God of War II GDC vid leaked!!!

    LOL! ps2 gfx is getting more like the future ps3 gfx!
  14. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    heh! hiya deus! i love the people at this place.. i was gutted when it didnt let me sign in (for months) :(
  15. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    nice to see you ikerous :)
  16. KoreBolteR-

    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    football it is! not soccer LOL :D association football was around before american football was invented.
  17. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    oh... can i get a mod to reset the password for it so i can post on there again...? anyway, what you been up 2 recently glenn :D? oops sorry it was around the time of by bday when i turned 18, last august :P how are you feath :D???
  18. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    im forced to be in work :( yeah still there, got it permanent atm now, its ok.. the people are ok and the main thing is the money really... daving up for holiday etc.. what have i missed on here anyway. cant believe ive been gone about a year. how can i get my old name back :( has it been...
  19. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    hiya guys! :D neptuneuk how could i forget that great avatar of yours, and of course everyone on this site who posted when i posted i could never forget... lol i normally remember people by thier avatars, dno why! hiya evo how are you my fellow welsh friend :) Jimbo u still playing bf2...
  20. KoreBolteR-

    getting my old account back working...

    it even happened at work :/