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  1. GnaaDXarmy

    problem since tonights update 2/24/05

    I've made it a rule of thumb to not play for a few hours after the updates are released to avoid such issues... :dork:
  2. GnaaDXarmy

    Freezing problems in online games

    How's your internet connection? I've had this happen a few times in moments of really bad client and server lag.
  3. GnaaDXarmy

    Admin Monster Mod

    Now that would be interesting! :eek:
  4. GnaaDXarmy

    Physics based train

    Not sure how much of a help this'll be, but check out dm_subwayv1. It has a train/subway that you can ride in and on top bends though.
  5. GnaaDXarmy

    im a noob, how do you get the console to come up in hl2 dm

    Good grief cut the guy some slack. If someone has a question and you know the answer, just answer. Save the BS for your momma....
  6. GnaaDXarmy

    have a problem..?! all kind of it. (plezz post it in here)

    incorrect...too many watts and you've blown a breaker. :thumbs:
  7. GnaaDXarmy

    Upload/Download and Ping Speeds from Hell

    I'm assuming HL automatically chooses the best setting, since I've never changed them and have good ping... safe assumption? :monkee:
  8. GnaaDXarmy

    key binds

    I tried this, it worked. But when I played the game a few hours later, the key bind was gone....why?
  9. GnaaDXarmy

    Plasma Basketball

    Man those things are hard as crap for me to catch....I'll sit there with the grav gun, holding it down while someone shoots a ball at me and just plain death... :flame:
  10. GnaaDXarmy

    The Half-Nots

    As far as single player goes, I had more fun playing Chronicles of Riddick than I did HL2. But alas, no multiplayer with it... :(
  11. GnaaDXarmy

    key binds

    I use the arrow keys.... :E
  12. GnaaDXarmy

    Don't know if anyone knows this, but...

    why would you want to... :upstare:
  13. GnaaDXarmy

    Is it possible to make cooperative maps?

    Yes. I've seen 1 run on a server last week.
  14. GnaaDXarmy

    building blocks final map

    filefront has beta 1 and 2, 118kb... is this what you're looking for?;33881
  15. GnaaDXarmy

    Requests for TDM Maps

    Not sure about the invincibility... Getting your head handed to you on a platter before you can even move is no fun. Why do you have to spawn right off when joining a server? You gotta clear the server's welcome info off and then start moving....once again you're toast. :frown:
  16. GnaaDXarmy

    Who wants more Combine models?

    The difference between Rebel models is too slight to notice half the time in DM....but the combine is much easier to distinguish between models. :frog:
  17. GnaaDXarmy

    changing player models is bullcrap

    Let's get a headcrab mod goin.... :cheers:
  18. GnaaDXarmy

    YeY, hackers..

    How insane...people need to find better things to do with their time than cheat... :angry:
  19. GnaaDXarmy

    Gravity Gun

    heh that was a good read :laugh: