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    Since when did you need shelf buttons to navigate your scene/model?! Anyway, about your shelves.. I've never seen that problem in 5 years of using the prog. Quite a few Maya bugs can be solved by deleting your prefs, but I think shelves are stored in a separate file. So basically...
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    Unpacking For Better Performance

    The only possible performance benefit may be slightly faster level load times if anything at all. I wouln't bother.
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    HL2 sneak peak for Steam orderers?

    Sure, it might not take them that much time, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Valve developers are on a nice vacation right now. After working 70-80 hour weeks for a few months in crunch time, you're usually pretty burned out.
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    Running CS:S

    You can run the stress test benchmark if you already own CS:S, it's on the main menu. Not sure why you're worried about framerate anyway, you've pretty much got top of the line hardware.
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    Playing CS on same router

    Wow I guess I should apologize for trying to throw some ideas out there to help somebody. Instead of being a jackass why don't you offer some suggestions on how to help?
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    Running CS:S

    Hi. There is a handy dandy search feature that will tell you the answer. There are a billion threads on this already.
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    Playing CS on same router

    Well that shoots down all my theories.
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    Playing CS on same router

    That's because your ISP is only assigning 1 IP to you. Your router gives two internal IP's to each of your computers, but it only has one external IP to your ISP. Assuming you have cable or DSL, you'd have to contact your ISP and pay an extra monthly fee for another IP address. This is all...
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    Framerate died after new processor :/

    Check your AGP settings first of all. BIOS and in your video card driver settings. Then try turning Hyperthreading off. Hyperthreading is notorius for performance loss in certain apps, but usually not by that big of a margin. Turn it off anyway. Not sure what kind of motherboard you've...
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    Cs:s Low Fps!!!

    First of all posting how many frames per second you get without posting what res/details you're running at is WORTHLESS. Second of all I'm not sure why everybody feels they need a constant 80 FPS. Third of all Source is pretty damn well optimized as far as graphics rendering. It runs quite...
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    Has anyone else seen this?

    To any of those who haven't/can't see it, it's basically a promotional video from Softimage with Gabe talking about how easy it was to integrate XSI into their pipeline and how well it works. There is some old bink footage spiced in for eye candy. The only interesting stuff is some footage of...
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    Has anyone else seen this?

    That's because it is...
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    Has anyone else seen this?

    Gabe is a business man. If they got 40% off each license of XSI, and say, they need 10 licenses, they just saved $1980. Not bad for an hour's work. If you're in the business of making games, and you plan on staying in business, and your main software provider offers you kickbacks in return...
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    Patch gave me crazy performance hiccups

    No wireless router. And even if I did, nothing in my hardware has changed. Only CS. Well don't worry about it anyway. I've stopped playing. CS pisses me off now. Horrendous hit detection, a LOT of questionable players, spray and pray headshots, and matches that boil down to AWP cheese. I was...
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    Patch gave me crazy performance hiccups

    It's weird it comes and goes. Sometimes I can play for a few mins without it, but then after awhile it comes back. At first I thought it was video stutter from my comp loading the maps/textures, but sometimes it happens WELL after I've been all over the map. Anybody else?
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    Patch gave me crazy performance hiccups

    OK check this out, Valve screwed something up with that last patch. Since then, I'll be playing normal for 30 secs to a min then all the sudden I get HUGE lag spikes. I can still move around the map fine but it sounds like people are popping off one shot at a time and the kills dont show up in...
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    Why NOT to buy retail

    I'm almost positive that Vivendi is not losing money over Steam sales. Take a look at the pricing. If Valve was able to undercut the retail price they would have, even by a couple of bucks. Instead they keep it at the same retail MSRP but sweeten the deal with extras.
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    Post Your Stress Test Results

    64 FPS 1024x768 all details on max Dual Athlon MP 2800+ 2 gigs PC2100 Radeon 9800 Pro
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    The conundrum of development time...

    Right now I'm modeling in Maya. I've just been playing with normal maps for now, but so far I've tried some of Maya's built in tools, Melody, ORB, and ATI's dev tool. I'm a good modeler, but I absoultly hate laying out UV's, so for me to bake a map it takes awhile :) But yeah... A solid two...
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    The conundrum of development time...

    I keep seeing posts every day complaining about the time it has taken to develop Half Life 2, and my answer to those posters is: get used to it. The days of producing a game and getting it on shelves in a year or two are over. Can anybody guess the reason why? Graphics. Sorry, but it...