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  1. Darkboy


    English Irish German
  2. Darkboy

    goth D:

    Just when will they learn that "Gothic" is a form of architecture, rather a medeivel architecture.
  3. Darkboy

    i think i know where gman gets his name from

    I always thought he was sort of like a god. As if all people he worked with were like gods, playing with dimensions, picking people up and placing them in spots where they are needed.
  4. Darkboy


    The computer doesn't have microsoft word? Appleworks?
  5. Darkboy

    Identifying Implants in US workers

    Damn. I've seen Sci fi movies like this.
  6. Darkboy

    Picture Needed!

    He's grabbing his sack!
  7. Darkboy

    Games that disappointed you?

    I agree. Mostly the Getaway black monday disappointed me. It was boring, and the same thing over and over again. Another let down had to be GTA: SA. Really, that game could be better. They could have reduced sqaure offs, made the movements a little more life like, and have a less factor of...
  8. Darkboy

    Is Half Life 1 worth playing?

    Well... Upsides: Fun Good story Understand HL2 better Downsides: Bad graphics (compared to HL2 graphics, at least) everyone looks weird (Take Gman for example. He looks like he's made of wood) I'd say the downaised have a rather large impact, balancing it out, just about. But it...
  9. Darkboy

    nutritional supplements replace food?

    Flavor, my friend. You wouldn't just add some crushed up broccoli to a can of coke, would you?
  10. Darkboy

    If Microsoft (re)designed the iPod packaging...

    This makes me want to never get a PC. And I have a Mac.
  11. Darkboy

    Day 14

    Cool beans.
  12. Darkboy

    How do you make comics?

    Yes, garry's mod. Then they edit it in Photoshop, or, some people dowload Flash, which many say is easier. Photoshop is fine, though, if you prefer it.
  13. Darkboy

    Pregnant At The Age of 5.

    Them crazy foreigners and their sausage.
  14. Darkboy

    Great Story

    I bet you had fun.
  15. Darkboy

    Does having sex early in a relationship make for badness?

    If you get a girl in bed after 1 week of dating, you're pretty damn good.
  16. Darkboy

    What's in your pocket?

    My crappy little iPod shuffle.
  17. Darkboy

    cool video of triggers on garrys mod

    I doubt that's fake. I just wonder how long that took.
  18. Darkboy

    Hl2 Elite Costume

    I already have my combine soldier suit all planned out.
  19. Darkboy

    is there HL3

    I just wonder how HL: 2 ftermath could turn out. WARNING: SPOILER AT BOTTOM HL2 itself ended with G-man saying "And this is where I get off", then walks through a white door. Then poor ol' Gordon is left...
  20. Darkboy

    BFG (big f***** gun)!!

    Haha! Good. May I also add that this is holding a big gun.