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  1. Hipshot

    Fortress Forever Review

    I don't agree at all, I think fortress forever is far superior to TF2 any day any game mode. If you manage to look beside all Valves marketing and the styled graphics.
  2. Hipshot


    Haha, thought this thread woulden't make it ;) Left the forum and never looked back again ;) Well well... I'm gonna go through the thread and see what has been shown while I was some where else on the net... Anyway, something I've been working on the last few days. The pics are a bit old, so...
  3. Hipshot


    Its more that, I think that a stickey WIP is better than a thread for everyones WIP, just look at the steam forums, also, when the thread gets to large, like 50+ pages, it can be unsticked and locked and a new one can be made. This forums might not be as crowed as others, and thats why a WIP by...
  4. Hipshot


    Is it possible for us to have a stickey WIP-thread maybe? A common sight in mapping forums these days...
  5. Hipshot

    my site

    This is the script I used for the site, just modified it a bit, to fit the colors and overall style;
  6. Hipshot

    my site

    hehe, maybe VALVe want to put it in CS16 ;) nice that you like the site, even though my english isn't the best and there isnt much on it yet.
  7. Hipshot

    New Photography Site

    Actually, this was a thing that I was going to do later, cause Ive seen so much buildings and areas that I think resembles HL2, but then again, city 17 is based alot on european architecture.
  8. Hipshot

    my site Anything? (cause of those java-scripted menus, the whole page needs to load before they are navigational again, therefore, the site might not be for modem users, I think.)
  9. Hipshot

    New Photography Site

    I love this I used to run around just photoing skies and clouds, lost almost all of my pictures though :( In almost all games I play, one of the first things I look at is the skies, just like those so much :)
  10. Hipshot

    Personal Webpage...

    Exact the same as for me, I can make a logo that I like, then after a week or a few days a see flaws in it and must remake it :/
  11. Hipshot

    A new wallpaper :)

    This time HLCS based, but fear not, even though inspired by CS its not a high-res weapon laying on a shiny metal plate, like all other CS based wallpapers :). (made from this: )
  12. Hipshot

    My first concept character

    Now how is he going to eat? :( ;) as said, looks like wrestler... a tip: Mask the tattoos on the skin, then they wont look so 'painted on'
  13. Hipshot

    Goodbye dear forum

    Shouldent you get some title anyways, like honorble member or such, just to state that you once were a mod and helped the site? I think so. ;)
  14. Hipshot

    My new piece...

    Well, I like that cause its a 20MB "do what ever you want for free with no commercial" account ;)
  15. Hipshot

    My new piece...

    Hmm... well, you can get the *fixed* version now, and this is the old, thats why the U and T was outside ( )
  16. Hipshot

    My new piece...

    Oh, darn that edition, just a typo... ... and last time I checked, I wasent from Norway ;) Shuzer (fixed that 'S' now, at least I had time to do that), the reason for the U and T to be outside, is that last year, when U2003 was hot I made a wallpaper that looks almost the same, but in...
  17. Hipshot

    My new piece...

    I usally make my own wallpapers, that are somewhat game related, this is my latest (not that advanced, still looks good I think):
  18. Hipshot

    Shadow casting explanation for non-programmers

    To bad, you just ruin it :( :D
  19. Hipshot

    What does your desktop look like?

    my desk: Usaly there are almost no things, cleans one time every month (tries to ;)).
  20. Hipshot

    A Bug?

    Hmm, I can see my thread 4 times now... strange.