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  1. entity

    Wheres the cartoon skins?

    If the process were easier you'd see loads of them by now, but sadly, its not.
  2. entity

    character wip

    Looks good for a beginner :D EDIT: You could probably save a lot of polys if you remove some loops from the hat
  3. entity

    Black Mesa: Source Media Update

    well we can't expect everyone to be happy with the we'll just have to go with the majority ;) after all, everybody has their own different opinion on how black mesa should look.
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    Black Mesa: Source Media Update

    I thought you didn't want to play it in the first place
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    Black Mesa: Source Media Update

    Think of it as.."adding the missing details" with what we think is appropriate :)
  6. entity

    Black Mesa: Source Media Update

    to each his own I guess ;)
  7. entity


    yep, they are :dozey: Thats why I usually use the same ear over and over again :P
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    Black Mesa: Source Media Update

    Thanks for the support guys :)
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    Heres something I made for a client a while back, as you can see you don't really need that much polys to make an ear..all you need is a basic understanding on how it flows. This isn't that accurate, but it was a rushed job :|
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    the ear needs lots of work
  11. entity

    HDRI Image Help Needed

    You can fake it somewhat by assigning the image to the skylight (assuming you use max), setting a value around .7-1 and add some area lights to follow the lighting. I usually just use this since I don't really have a good camera or a lightprobe/ornament :P
  12. entity

    HDRI Image Help Needed

    Cannonfodder made that, so most probably that IS the official site :hmph: try using studiocompiler, its an updated version of it..with added features. And next time, try google
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    let's not be too harsh.

    lol could have posted that earlier and avoided all of this :P look through the manuals, pretty decent stuff
  14. entity

    let's not be too harsh.

    yep, version 8 ;) I might still have the manuals though, long time since i've used 3dsmax
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    let's not be too harsh.

    lol, but seriously..if you have the manuals..just read through them..I still refer to them when I want to do everytime :)
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    RTM needs modelers

    you mean mine ;)
  17. entity

    RTM needs modelers

    what do you mean ?
  18. entity

    let's not be too harsh.

    i'm not..the one found in the manual is the best one (3dsmax tutorials + User Reference), I learned everything from there
  19. entity

    RTM needs modelers

    too "anime" for my taste, good luck though
  20. entity

    let's not be too harsh.

    yeah, the one that comes with the manuals