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  1. M

    cant make the .bsp

    Ok..that worked! Thanks much....
  2. M

    cant make the .bsp

    Gonna give that a try once the sdk and cs:s finishes downloading...did a reinstall of steam this morning to see if that would help...if it does..THANK YOU...if some more. And btw... to me... "Face List Count >= OVERLAY_BSP_FACE_COUNT" doesn't scream error msg. SO.....valve...fix...
  3. M

    cant make the .bsp

    Reset game config does NOT work. And this is great timing from valve...tomorrow I'm supposed to show this to my college graduation board to see if I'll graduate..and now I can't even fix anything I need to.
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    cant make the .bsp

    I am having the same problem. I can compile any map file saved BEFORE the latest update (date on the file I can compile is 8/22) If I take the same file and save a new version of it, it will NOT compile. Gives me the same thing....can't find the .bsp I also have do not run game checked...
  5. M

    Problem with models in Hammer

    there currently is a problem with some video cards that will cause odd things to happen. I use a laptop to do my mapping and I have to force hammer and hlmv into dx8 mode. You can do this by making a short cut and adding "-dxlevel 80" to the end of the launch command. It might help. My...
  6. M

    Prop_Static Model prob

    OMG...I'm a moron. Not sure exactly what happened or where the instructions got left out for this. I took off my normal....and in the vmt turned the bump into a $detal....and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. M

    Prop_Static Model prob

    does source support bump+normal like in 3d max? I've tried messing with the normal map filter and I can not achieve the same look I'm going for using a normal map...however, I began playing around with the normal+bump combo and it looks pretty nice. If I can import it and use both, that'd be...
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    Prop_Static Model prob

    Well, I am using cannonfodder's studiocompiler, wonder if that has anything to do with it. I'm about to try creating my own .qc and see how it comes out. And I did try some of the other stuff from your .vmt's and well, it did nothing for the bump map. It seems like its treating the bump map...
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    Prop_Static Model prob

    Here's a pic of how it looks in 3d Max fyi
  10. M

    Prop_Static Model prob

    No one has any info?
  11. M

    Prop_Static Model prob

    Image Here's an image, seems like it's doing some really weird stuff. BTW. I just noticed it looks like this inside the model viewer as well, where it didn't before. If I uncheck normal map in model viewer it goes to the base texture without any bump, not sure if that's any significance.
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    Prop_Static Model prob

    Heya guys...I'm having a problem with some static props. I'll try to post some pics later today if no one can understand what I'm talking about. I've made a really simple pillar(barracade style - like what you see in front of buildings to stop cars from driving into them) and I can't seem to...
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    There is a new fdg that some guys put together...I can't remember where you can get it. But it has the camera stuff in it along with the weapon entities. If you don't want to go searching you can just wait until the Full SDK is released
  14. M

    CE what a jip!

    What book? The instruction manual? Valve has been saying for almost a month that there will be no manuals and instead some explanation cards for the retail version. If you're talking about the Prima it with my gold package..and it's pretty damn big.
  15. M

    Orange Map

    I'm assuming the original orange textures were made the same way just with custom text on them. I've seen some screen shots where they say wall32S and what not. They might be released in the future..but I doubt it...seems like the easiest way is to make your own
  16. M

    physics objects!

    The weight I believe is decided from the texture you use on it. There is a tutorial about changing the texture properties on one of the HL2 sites..however it seems it was made for the Leaked version of Hammer b/c I don't even have the file it tells you to edit. However, you can set the...
  17. M

    Orange Map

    just make an orange texture with a white border. That's what I did. It kinda sux tho unless you are actually in game with lighting. In the editor it's kinda dizzing...however I do find that the viewport LightGrid setting is much nicer. game..the orange texture looks nice..allows...
  18. M

    Some Questions

    Here are a few questions I have regarding the CSS SDK. Please answer any if you can. 1) On maps like office, I noticed that on any surfaces of a brush which the player can't see, those surfaces are invisible or have been deleted. How is this done? Is it by applying the nodraw texture, or...
  19. M

    Map Scale

    uhhh... Well...since most door warys are 7 feet tall (going of my my college classes here about architecture) And gordon is 6 feet talk...that puts a full 12 inches btwn his head and the door way. I don't think he'll get stuck And about feeling like a giant. That's easy to avoid if you...
  20. M

    Map Scale

    1 unit = 1 inch. Gordon is 72 units tall making him 6 feet.