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  1. G

    Spray! the first one looks nice :)
  2. G

    HL2 props in CSS?

    when I checked now I got all the textures (both CS : S and HL2 ) ... can I use them for my counterstrike map or will the HL2 textures look like big error signs?
  3. G

    Easiest way to make junked cars for decor?

    make an entity (the lightbulb icon).... make it prop_static... with the entity selected, go to properties.... choose world model... browse thru your props till u find the cars... choose one ... click done
  4. G

    Just a fact: I don't play this game because of the load times.

    quick save, quick load.... dont use normal saves. Takes forever. This might keep u sane :)
  5. G

    Can't get the console down.

    "Add -console to the launch options. Start the game. Once ingame type, for example "bind F3 toggleconsole", without the ", This will bind the console to F3. Happy gaming ^__^" not working for me questions: * I check the dev console in the advanced setting for keyboard * cant get...
  6. G

    need help running maps

    when u compile it it turns to a bsp-file... just look where you have configured hammer to put the finsihed bsp-files, copy it from that location and paste it in the maps dir. Then it should work :)
  7. G

    How do I import Halflife 2 Models

    good question... theres a lot of good stuff in the hl2 folders :) anyone know?
  8. G

    Best way to make a fence?

    What is the best way to make a fence. I'm gonna use a lot of fences in my map and so far I've used props, but I think it will be more computersaving to use a brush instead. How do I set the fence texture on the brush so it does not act like a "wall", that is ; is transparant, and make the...
  9. G

    need help with breakable glass and door

    Figge, Tell us how u did it and exactly how u solved the problem. Glass is filled with trouble so any reference is good.
  10. G

    E-force; brand new concept art and question

    E-force got some brand new, ink still wet, conceptart of two of the fighting men of the european union: and we also have a question for the community; do you want to model these guys into player models? If you feel up to it, please go here for further information ...
  11. G

    selecting faces

    found out it myself; easiest thing ever; just use the texture tool to select :) Edit *thanx, just had the window opened and forgot to update. Thanx a bunch. Great forum :)
  12. G

    selecting faces

    I just want to select a single face, an be able to work with it ( as I've learned this, a box concist of six "faces" or sides, I want to able to choose just one side), basically making indoor/outdoor- textures to walls and nodraw-sides. but I always seem to choose the whole object, so how do...
  13. G

    light issuses and question

    thanx. That was just what I was looking for :)
  14. G

    light issuses and question

    I have yet to isert any light into my map and still is very bright. How do you get the settings for the light to be as they should? Right now it's just real bright everywhere and no shadows. And I want to change that so I can start working with the lightning.
  15. G

    rotating door with (model) handles

    thanx a lot. Now I finally got it ...pheew :)
  16. G

    rotating door with (model) handles

    How did u get the props from office? I cant find anything from office, no textures no props, and I need those. Do you have any tips where they are ?
  17. G

    CS:S messed up after using SDK

    ...but this happens when trying to play the normal CS:S , not with any custom maps, just the official ones. Anyway I found that when I restart the comp everything goes back to normal. Annoying but waddahell.., thats life with these cans. Nothing work perfect :)
  18. G

    CS:S messed up after using SDK

    After using the SDK to try and make my first map, CS:S is too bright. No shadows, and everything is lit up as well. This might give me some tactical benefits (no one can hide in the dark) but it looks damn ugly and I want to change it back. I'm sure someone know the "fix" for this...
  19. G

    stuck at crane

    no... just shoot the supportbeams with the buggy-gun and then go crazy, speed the ramp and smash through the remains of the window... ieeahyy
  20. G

    Ravenholm near electic circuit gate

    Mm , I don't get it... water pot? Where is that one?... and how do u get there (might sound stupid but I'm really tired from work)