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  1. lePobz

    What current gaming platform(s) do you own?

    I have a pc, 360, ps3, and a wii. Used to have a PSP but sold it when GT4 mobile didn't appear, may do the same with the PS3 if GT5 doesn't appear.
  2. lePobz

    Anti-newbie rage

    I'm not a newbie, I've just been away a while.
  3. lePobz

    Forza Motorsport 3 coming October this year!

    It's a little unfair for polyphony to charge us to play a beta, but hey. C'est la vie. I'm only going with what I know - Polyphony can feel free to give us something to base a fair judgement on... ... I'm still waiting ...
  4. lePobz

    Formula 1 - K.E.R.S.

    Lewis should race for Brawn. Go Team England, woo!
  5. lePobz why didn't you vote?

    Id say he looks more like colin hunt
  6. lePobz

    So I tried some beer finally

    How very dare you knock beer. You'll appreciate it in time. :cheers:
  7. lePobz

    Is masturbation wrong in the minds of pro-abortionists?

    In conclusion, who cares what anti-abortionists think anyway. Not that abortion is good, mind you.
  8. lePobz

    Is masturbation wrong in the minds of pro-abortionists?

    Cells dying pre-conception ... it happens a gajillion times every milisecond in nature, I don't think anyones crying about it, whether they're in the body at the time or not. But still, don't do it. God kills kittens. You don't want the kitten lovers on your back, do you?
  9. lePobz

    Is masturbation wrong in the minds of pro-abortionists?

    Erm, no. For many reasons. I don't see what logical case there is for it to be wrong on ethical grounds in that context.
  10. lePobz

    Best cell phone for internet browsing?

    Better battery life and an OLED screen worth the upgrade from a 3G tho? I'm tied into an 18 month contract :( Also, I wonder if the digital compass is required for the tomtom sat nav app they are releasing this summer ...
  11. lePobz

    David Carradine killed by Ninja Assassins?

    get chuck norris on the case
  12. lePobz

    Best cell phone for internet browsing?

    iPhone 3G is the best you're going to get in a mobile phone - Alternatively the Nokia n810 is probably the best mobile web experience (although not being a mobile phone)
  13. lePobz

    What's your hobby?

    It does if you do it whilst running up and down the stairs.
  14. lePobz

    Forza Motorsport 3 coming October this year!

    Forza 2 beats GT5 prologue. GT5 will have to be so much better than prologue to keep up with Forza 3. Either way, i'll be buying both :D
  15. lePobz

    Forza Motorsport 3 coming October this year!

    Can't see any threads on this?? Anyone that has played/seen forza 1 or 2 on the xbox / 360 respectively should be rightfully excited by this one. Theres a gameplay trailer out from E3 that looks amazing, as do the in-game screenshots. Video here
  16. lePobz

    What's your hobby?

    I don't have time for hobbies any more *sob* :( PS. Hi all. :p
  17. lePobz

    Law introduced that bans GUN ownership to under 18 and adds gun registry

    The only people that have guns in the UK are under the age of 18.
  18. lePobz

    Rate the person who posted before you

    People who post more than once in this thread deserve no rating at all. I strike thee from the register, ĐynastҰ
  19. lePobz

    Is it cooler to be bisexual or straight or gay?

    My GF keeps calling me gay. That can't be a good thing. She's a lemon though.
  20. lePobz

    Dance Rock

    does mgmt qualify?