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  1. Infoceptor

    Interview for anyone who was alive in the 1950's

    Hi, i'm doing an inteview for anyone who was of teen age in the 1950's for a project in U.S. History II. Since i'm too lazy to actually find somebody in real life and question them, i figured it would be easier if i found someone online :P. If you'd like to do this interview, PM me and i'll send...
  2. Infoceptor

    How would HL2 compare with MGS2?

    Different type of game. MGS, i believe, focuses more on stealth then on pure action. However, i did notice that the combine in HL2 do react to sound and can be snuck up on. I remember a part where a combine came outside to investigate, hit him with a radiator from the grav gun and his friend...
  3. Infoceptor

    "Some nights, I dream of cheese."

    You smell that? ..... *looks in the air* Freedom.
  4. Infoceptor

    Halo 2's grenade

    I've gotten a couple of nade kills in my dm experience. The trick is to recognize a good opportunity to use them, like when two people are fighting or someone is chasing you down a hallway. Also, grav gun + nade = rpg. It takes alot of skill, practice and timing but trust me, theres no...
  5. Infoceptor

    Doom 3 expansion... shamelessly rips off HL2.

    Sorry but I honestly cannot see the resemblance between the two... Yes Id did copy off of HL2 and yes, it is n00b. An idea like jet jaguar's would be much better and much less obvious.
  6. Infoceptor

    Which enemy do you want to return in HL3 the most?

    Yes, visiting Xen again definitely would be cool, something about that place in Half-Life 1 really was amazing imo. Valve did a good job of putting you in a strange universe, you really felt like "wtf have i got myself into". The place itself felt alive too and exploring it was no joke. However...
  7. Infoceptor

    Anyone else feel sick?

    Yep, i have been playing FPSs for a long time and never have i encountered motion sickness before except in Half-Life 2. Whenever i play more then two hours in the Water Hazard level on that airboat, i start to feel queazy and all around sick. Definitely has to do with all the jumps, bumps...
  8. Infoceptor

    Read here if you are upset with gamespots review

    See Serial, you make it seem like I wrote up my huge ass essay debunking Gamespot's review just because I'm trying to convince myself that HL2 is the best game ever. I'm not. The point I'm trying to make is that it was an unfair review. Thats it. I know that Half-Life 2 will not be the perfect...
  9. Infoceptor

    Read here if you are upset with gamespots review

    wTFXzOrZ?Z?!! The reason that I am so pissed off at Gamespot right now is that they reviewed the game unfairly. It is as simple as that. Gamespot gave THUG 3 a perfect 10 because it accomplished everything that it set out to do. Am I missing something, but didn't the reviewer say exactly the...
  10. Infoceptor

    E3 2004 Developer Interview and Video Footage MIRROR

    I'll second that. 102 KB/Sec for me.
  11. Infoceptor

    I've seen too much

    No one forced you to watch the videos you know...
  12. Infoceptor

    Multiplayer on a Single Computer

    Hey, i was wondering if anyone knows any good pc games that allow for multiple players on a single computer. Some that come to mind are Serious Sam, Heroes of Might and Magic and even the old side-scrolling shooters/fighters. Any ideas are welcome, even if the game is old... its the gameplay and...
  13. Infoceptor

    Take A Look That is some very impressive case modding...
  14. Infoceptor

    per pixel hit accuracy?

    The comment is based on your opinion and assumptions on the game. You, just as everyone else, has absolutely no idea what will happen and what surprises Valve will have in store for us. You cannot go around stating your opinions on the game as if they were facts. Even if that was how you...
  15. Infoceptor

    per pixel hit accuracy?

    Forn1x, have you played Half-life 2 already? How do you know that Half-life 2 will not scare you or get you excited? Although it is probably not Valve's main focus, it is very stupid to assume that Hl2 will not give you some "Oh Sh*t" moments. I know that the original Hl has scared me...
  16. Infoceptor

    Top Ten Reasons for HL2 Delay [Humor]

    92. Ok everybody, I've heard rumours that this isnt actually Half Life 2, it is actually half life 1, under a different name, and it has a few new enemies named 'biozeminades' which can make themselves look good, and you have to kill them with spray paint. Apparently, the half life 2 e3 video...
  17. Infoceptor

    Half-Life 2 Behind the Game

    What is it... a strategy guide? Ya i'll probably get it, but i won't use it much since it is more fun playing the game without knowing what will happen.
  18. Infoceptor

    The impracticality of the Manipulator...

    I think the manipulator will be both a defensive and offensive weapon... in the traps movie, i specifically remember him pulling the radiator from the wall and blocking the shots from the Combine soldier with it. Once at the top, he shot it off and killed the guy. As someone else already...
  19. Infoceptor

    What the hell does everyone have against Condition Zero?

    Finally someone sane? Just because they do not share the same opinion as you, that automatically makes them retarted? I find that a severely biased comment... Who cares if they did not do it on Source? I care. Although they probably did not have a choice in this matter, the fact that the...
  20. Infoceptor

    What the hell does everyone have against Condition Zero?

    Ummm... i believe that i said that graphics did not matter to me that much, which in other words means i would get the game if everything else was great. You misread my post. As for the gameplay, even if it is good, i'm sure Half-life 2's will be better along with good graphics and a whole...