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  1. S

    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    Also when you create a CGI you only focus on what the camera is pointing at. Nothing happens off screen so you just put in the things you want to see at that time and nothing else. So it is very unlikely to have a glitch in a CGI unless you have an ignorant programmer.
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    more people need to look at the videos and then realize their being dumbasses..
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    The player was scripted to show the enviroments.. and most of the events were as well.. but these are the actual graphics.
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    It will look exactly like this, if you ask me it should look much better.. being the next gen console and all..
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL " the proof..
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    Just deal with it pc gamers, it has been 5 years in the making and the new consoles simply kick ass..
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    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    Nope, it's real alright.. if you watch the kz2 trailer in slow motion you'll notice some ingame glitches, such as characters spawning in the background and nps clipping through eachother.. this is no pre-rendered fake!
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    HL2 Xbox E3 video

    is this for 360?
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    Half Life 2 Has ruined me

    Too bad a decent pc is a helluva expensive.. and you have to go through the pains of tweaking, and installing, plus a whole other mess of crap. (joys!) The new consoles will be different from the last, they will last much longer, and have soo much potential.
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    e3 Next gen games

    The killzone footage is actual gameplay, but the person who is playing is scripted, look on the gamespot forums on the subject.. it was proven.
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    fm...imagine 2 6800 ultras playing hl3!

    hl3 must be lifelike to keep it's place in the best graphics, just look at killzone 2, christ..
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    Combine and Xen Connection (A long, Comprehensive Theory of evererything HL)
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    Half Life 2 Has ruined me

    Haha your kidding right? 360 will have 48 pipelines and 3 cpus, which blows away any high end pc.. god knows what ps3 will have. Consoles take huge steps while pcs take baby steps.
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    I'm suprised there aren't more SP HL2 mods.

    The new visitor mod is out (hl1 sp mod), which is very fun..
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    Funny HL vids

    Lol, when I first played raven holm in the hl2 demo I was too focused on fps and how well the game ran and was not scared at all.. It's not really scary at all.. kindof nice
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    Hey, I just found some Black mesa Source news!

    Can you skip the whole mission "power up" by using tripmines in hl1:source?
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    100 Things Aftermath needs-

    But he was such a good character..
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    100 Things Aftermath needs-

    Anyone know if valve is saving the character Dr. Rosenburg for future expansions or hl3, I heard they were going to scrap him but changed their minds..
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    gman freeman..

    maybe the gman is Gordon's brother!!