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  1. G

    Install original Half-Life without Steam?

    The game installs just fine from the original CD without Steam. Steam has no idea I have it installed on my hard drive now. I guess my fear that Steam would hijack the game was based on an unsubstantiated rumor.
  2. G

    Half-Life 2 was missing one critical thing!

    That happens whenever we say anything negative about Half-Life or Valve. If you don't love everything, you're a whiner. Yeah, that's a good point. I loved those moments too.
  3. G

    Half Life Source without buying Silver Pack?

    There are people talking about making a real Half-Life: Source. As in redoing everything in HL1 into the new HL2 engine. They're not official projects, so Valve has nothing to do with them. Fan-made mods of this magnitude usually never get released unless the game has a huge community...
  4. G

    HL2: Elevator Bug Fix! (Black Mesa East)

    Another brilliantly ignorant comment from someone so quick to accuse. If you people are going to try to deflate legitimate threads with generalizations, please do so elsewhere.
  5. G

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    I did some testing with this. I don't really have stuttering anymore; it's more like little "blips" - I'll be walking straight, and then something will happen that causes the game to freeze for a fraction of a second, and the sound will "pop" and then everything will be normal again. When this...
  6. G

    A good link for Half-Life story information...

    Sorry... it looks like this link was posted on the news page already. I didn't see that before I made this thread.
  7. G

    A good link for Half-Life story information...

    Don't know if you've all seen this yet or not, but this is a great site I just came across...
  8. G

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    Well said. We also need to prevent this thread from being closed again, so in the interest of technical discussion and troubleshooting, lets keep it on track. Also, I'm just as frustrated over the forum moderation as the rest of you, but I'm going to just keep my mouth shut about all of it. I...
  9. G

    Major Problem!

    A clean reinstall might help, but if all you did was upgrade your CPU (and not your motherboard, etc.) then I fail to see why such an upgrade would cause a problem like you mention. It's probably a driver problem somewhere, however, so by reformatting and reinstalling all your updated drivers...
  10. G

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    Since the old thread was so lovingly closed by a moderator, I thought I'd start a new one in which we can continue our technical discussion of the problem. Please keep the discussion technical as opposed to statements of frustration, because the mods don't like such things and they start...
  11. G

    The newest version of my HL2 DVD insert/label is finally complete

    I like it, especially the DVD label. The balance of color is pretty nice.
  12. G

    a moral/ethical question regarding the bannings

    Not exactly. You purchase a license when you buy software, which means the software is still technically the property of the developer, and they have the right at any time to break your license agreement, essentially taking back the software from you. Think of it as "leasing" something. It...
  13. G

    how stingy can valve get ?

    Ah yes. This discourse reaches a record level of sophistication.
  14. G

    a moral/ethical question regarding the bannings

    But I do "agree with the terms." That doesn't necessarily mean I agree with the ethics of those terms. I have not and will not break the terms; I have agreed to follow them, not agreed to believe in them. Edit: Additionally, just because something is in the EULA doesn't mean it is by...
  15. G

    a moral/ethical question regarding the bannings

    If you paid attention, you'd realize that my point lies in my very use of the analogy. My point was that physical property and software licenses are not the same thing by virtue of the EULA. Actually, what you purchase is a license for HL2, not an account. Your Steam account is the mechanism...
  16. G

    a moral/ethical question regarding the bannings

    Someone explain me this: If you walk into a store and steal an item and are caught, the store owner has the right to press charges. You would then be prosecuted, you'd do your time, pay your fines, whatever. That's perfectly understandable. Say, then, that after you are all cleaned up...
  17. G

    a moral/ethical question regarding the bannings

    Everyone's saying things like this, including Valve. Valve is willing to take small losses in many different areas, because they are all just "small losses." They're willing to take the small loss of the consumers without internet connections. They're willing to take the small loss of those...
  18. G

    Install original Half-Life without Steam?

    So you're saying you installed from CD before you ever installed Steam, and now you can just play them without Steam? If that works then I'll have to uninstall Steam and give that a shot.
  19. G

    Higher Levels of Difficulty

    Seriously, guys, turn off autosaving, don't use quicksaving, and try to make it through an entire chapter alive. That's not the ideal solution for harder difficulty (a good difficulty mod would be the best), but the game does get a lot harder when you eliminate saving altogether, even if you...