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  1. Andy

    Hitler vs. Stalin!

    Stalin was a bastard...
  2. Andy

    Stop it!

    I know its been said but, I think Pi Mu Rho would agree, it needs saying again: And also:
  3. Andy

    Copyright and Intellectual Property.

    Interesting, this should go in the IPO sticky in "HELP WANTED/OFFERED"
  4. Andy

    New BINK Released

    the probelm with binks is that there's no time bar or equivilent, so you have to watch the whole thing through. or is this just me being dumb. ^ Yes doom 3 has the most amazing graphics of any game ever, but the gameplay sucks right down to the ground. Games cannot sell on graphics alone.
  5. Andy

    Request for a spoilers forum?

    I think that now we're coming up to the release of the game, we should definately include one. Having a spoiler forum will not encourage playing of the beta at this point, since those who will play it already have and those who won't are not going to try and get it with the game so close...
  6. Andy

    Choose your own HL2 adventure

    The air seemed to shimmer like a haze from the heat of a flaming barrel or a burning body. Only this was an open area of ground. For a moment the very fabric of space twisted. Anyone looking at it would have probably felt nauseous as the mind bending visuals attacked their senses. A figure...
  7. Andy

    Greatest Simpson Moment

    That episode rules. UN guy one: My God, the Fourth street bridge! UN guy two: Maybe it just colapsed on its own... UN guy one: We can't take that chance! UN guy two: You always say that! I want to take a chance!
  8. Andy

    Choose your own HL2 adventure

    Gordon leapt to his feet, stumbling badly. Already he could feel his hazard suit doing it’s quiet work: applying pressure here, injecting organic compound there, dosing him with balance cocktail of adrenaline, blood plasma and morphine. Still, the wound in his shoulder burned and his legs felt...
  9. Andy

    Joint Ops causes PC lockup - suspect RAM

    problem solved. (it wasn't just a joint ops prob btw, farcry didn't wrok either). :E one of the ram slots on the mother board is f*cked. So it didn't matter that I was trying different or more ram, the faulty one was messing it up. Simply took the ram out of slot 1 and the other two...
  10. Andy

    Mod Idea- Ghostbusters Mod

    hmm I can see a potential for a ghosts vs anti ghost team mod. Probably not multiplayer. SP a least, especially with all the cool material and shader effects there might be. Not to mention invisible enemy. Particle Weapons, polterguist physics, etc. would require a lot of work and a dedicated...
  11. Andy

    A Combine Story

    <got bored so...> Shepard led them down a long corridor. Twisting, turning, always moving. As Shepard rounded the corridor a flash startled made him cover his eyes. As the bright white glare faded, the shape of a scanner formed in front of him, its iris a tight, hot, red pin of light. The...
  12. Andy

    To be an HL2 beta tester...

    a lot of people thing beta testing is great cuase they get to play the game first. Its not. You get to play parts of the game over and over and over in as many different ways as possible and then painstakingly document them. This is why with Id and Valve I feel sorry for Valve. Come the...
  13. Andy

    How to make VCD with AVI file?

    look for a prog called EasyVCD, very useful, though I haven't used it for a while, so I'm not 100% sure if its the best. edit: Its 5.5 meg, pm me and ill try to email a copy.
  14. Andy

    Best Video Card

    Dont bother with ebay: everyone is advertising the pyramid scheme, where you pay £20 and get added to a "list" of people. The whole thing is a scam started by two or three guys to get hundreds of people to buy their cards. far better to do what I did - get a 9800 pro for a third of the price...
  15. Andy

    Cops suck i swear

    mobile police speed checks are ok cause if its late, or the weekend or a bank holiday or just plain raining, they pack up and leave.. cameras on the other hand are evil...
  16. Andy

    Joint Ops causes PC lockup - suspect RAM

    Wondered if anyone had encountered this. Running Joint Ops at 800x600 medium-low detail on: AMD 1300 1 gig ram PC3200 KV7 mobo 3d Blaster Geforce 5600 originally I have 512 Ram and the computer would lock up if something happened on the screen. Added another 512 get a great frame rate...
  17. Andy

    What are all the RTS games worth playing?

    Three words: UFO: Enemy Unknown Edit: One more word: Ascendancy
  18. Andy

    the worst game ever made

    anything that starts with the words: TOM CLANCY'S The same tired concept (whether the game be be "Blue Trout" or "Baboon Five") is you get to sit and put little symbols on a map for hours on end (oh the unbridled joy), and then lead a team of retards around a level that looks nothing like...
  19. Andy

    Hottest Video Game Character

    un believable :rolleyes: time to join the sadness i guess: something about bloodrayne... (hopefuly a red-head thing, and not the other stuff)