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  1. Andy

    YOU write the ending...

    :x boring :x make your own meaningful/powerful/stupid/anticlimatic ending to the Half-Life saga right here! :naughty: ...and as Gordon climbed to the top of the structure, a distant cheering could be heard. Finally he found an opening high above the ground. As he emerged into the...
  2. Andy

    why valve wouldn't release a demo early (theory)

    agreed, Valve doesn't need to convince anyone to play it.
  3. Andy

    Three New Half-Life 2 Articles and Screenshots

    The half-life ones have a half-life logo on them, the real ones don't. *smack* :rolleyes:
  4. Andy

    Useful Latin

    Tuum in anus est. Your head is in your @ss. Perscriptio in manibus tabellariorum est. The cheque is in the mail. Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est? I was abducted by aliens, what year is it? Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum Sometims I get...
  5. Andy

    if you built a robot...

    yes important that.
  6. Andy

    Alyx look alike?

    LOL Yeah and we'll have Robin Williams as Dr Kliener
  7. Andy

    Whats the most

    Thanks for working it out :) You guys have no idea how lucky you are. I went to Australia recently and was shocked to see 4, 5 even 6 litre cars. 3 is a hell of a lot in the UK cause 80% of what we pay is tax. EDIT: BTW I guarantee the brits will win this thread by some disgusting...
  8. Andy

    micheal moore vs bill orielly

    Be careful with that point of view. In Starship troopers the Federation has manipulated the thoughts of the entire population into that kind of glib and statisical mindset. That kind of system of society wins wars by simply throwing its population into the grinder until it wins, trusting...
  9. Andy

    micheal moore vs bill orielly

    Appreciate it Sai. I used to study American Politics and 'm taking a great deal of interest in the elections ATM.
  10. Andy

    Thread o' Celebrity Crushes

    AJ is a bit wierd IMO. I second Natalie Portman... (suit you sir)
  11. Andy

    Whats the most

    99 pence for a litre. Sorry Im such a brit. err.. litres into gallons x conversion rate into USD ...(tries to work it out for a few minutes)... = haven't a clue
  12. Andy

    First Person Ragdoll?

    but if someone modded HL2 to be 3rd person... but then that's just Max Payne 2... but thats a Max Payne 2 that a normal person could actually mod.... but... err... I've lost where I'm going with this....
  13. Andy

    We Are Now In Single Digits Until Hl2 Is Bug Free!!!!

    I think releasing it on the 30th of september will be a very poor joke. Plus university starts on the 27th!! Arghh!!! How the hell am I gonna play it during freshers week!
  14. Andy

    This 'move objects and place objects' gun.

    bothered... some one'll mod twenty versions in within the week ;)
  15. Andy

    HL2 Official Website

    its not like they need to promote stuff on their website, and frankly there wouldn't be much point. Where do you go first for news of HL 2, the valve site or here?
  16. Andy

    Area-51 Hunt

    ...well ...I can think of better things to do with my time.... but whatever
  17. Andy

    Don't Panic

    Yes, i really hope they dont screw it up. The TV series was good. I'm pleased that they kept the music from it :E EDIT: Surely with the length of the book it'll be a two parter.. :upstare:
  18. Andy

    Kerry or Bush ?

    They say its always better to read/watch a news source that has a different political alignment to you, its more stimulating then, and if your opinions and arguments survive you will then know it is because they are valid.
  19. Andy

    Kerry or Bush ?

    The other option that should be on there is: I don't live in the US but I think Kerry/Bush. EDIT: BTW. In my opinion it doesn't matter if he comes across as a bit of a muppet. My greatest concern is that the man's ideas and morals make him a very, very dangerous muppet.
  20. Andy

    Half-Park Episode 14

    these rule!