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  1. Cyber$nake

    What will be the CS:S suprises?

    Light Anti-Vehicle Weapon Key word: Light. If its light then i dont liek it ;-) READ ABOVE POST!
  2. Cyber$nake

    What will be the CS:S suprises?

    I think itl probably be the 2 modes that were almost NEVER used back in CS like they were supposed to. Did anyone read one of the older CS manuals. It talks about: CS, DE, AS, AND ES (Escape, where one team starts w/ no weapons and needs te get 50% of the team out alive, and can attempt to break...
  3. Cyber$nake

    Man what gives ?

    vivendi... will pay... you just wait.
  4. Cyber$nake

    PCG Rating prediction!

    Definetly a 95% to 98%. From what little we got from the interview, its looking good ;-)
  5. Cyber$nake

    Remember what happened to CS:CZ...

    lol 10char
  6. Cyber$nake

    Remember what happened to CS:CZ...

    lol i need a release date...there are some other games I want to get but not if its coming out ina few weeks. However if its coming out in 1+ months then Im getting something else first...
  7. Cyber$nake

    PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

    yeah,yeah, whatever didnt read much of this post. but when will the mag be availabe in stores? Anyone know?
  8. Cyber$nake

    half life 2 was to be the greatest game....

    no, it already went gold secretly and they're currently Mass producing it. It will ship on the 29th or 30th and be made available at the 30th at noon East Coast Time or as soon as possible afterwards at stores. It will be made available steam-wise on the 30th as well. They will also announce the...
  9. Cyber$nake

    Faked "real" water.

    Untill were all playing with Athlon 64 FX-72s at X3000 xt's, dont expect complete free fluid dynamics. For now, faking is enough. The fastest Ive heard of thats safe is a 4ghz 4 GB memory card w/ 2 6800 Ultras. Multiply that times 4 (meaning 4 processors) and come up with the coding to make a...
  10. Cyber$nake

    What Vivendi doesn't want us to know. And why Valve needs a new publisher!

    wow...are you like an investigator or something? Interesting to read tho...well, the parts that i did read that is ;-)
  11. Cyber$nake

    Combine soldiers are Russian soldiers??

    lol. Good old days of RA2
  12. Cyber$nake

    M Rating and Mods.

    lol well sure if he was like 9 or something ;-) EDIT: And what ever happened to Gabe saying that they were looking at a T rating last time. I didnt believe it, but has it been countered by another quote? 2nd EDIT: Sorry Person above me, didnt read it
  13. Cyber$nake

    I finally preordered HL2 SE

    I actually disagree. Do you realy think that it would take them more than an entire month to get everything produced and copied? I mean, Im sure it may have happened before, though I havnt heard of a game taking that long that I can remember, and my guess is there going to try to get it out...
  14. Cyber$nake

    Will it run?

    Really? I have a P IV 2.53 ghx prccesor with 512 mb DDR SDRAM and 64 mb GeForce4 Ti 4200, and i can run at 1024x768 2X AA with settings on high. It is most liekly your porcessor. Unfortunately upgrading your processor usually means getting a new motherboard, and things can get a...
  15. Cyber$nake

    Perfect score?

    i say that itl be around 9.5, and only a few games have gotten a 10/10. One, I can remember, from both IGN and Gamespot, was Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  16. Cyber$nake

    The Gabeth speaketh

    basically Valve sent what the believe to be a complete zero-bug game to Vivendi, who will play through and check the game, and then if its OK, it'l go gold, then be shipped to a place for mass production, then shipped to stores, then released. We'll be playing next month! (Unless RC gets...
  17. Cyber$nake

    The Gabeth speaketh

    Yes! Im happy at last its here...well, soon at least. Now I just need to decide if I should use all the crap I preloaded or get a nice shiney box and manual... Blieve it or not its a bit tough. I guess Ill get box, I can sacrifice a few hours/days.
  18. Cyber$nake

    Hl2 Shortened? (may not want to read)

    and im bumping this, final preload given out! I guess that it would make the most sense if there were simply a few chapters in each level. They said 13 CHAPTERS around 3 hours, and there could be several chapters in a level.
  19. Cyber$nake

    Hl2 Shortened? (may not want to read)

    yes im aware that it was ORIGINALLY posted that it would have 13 chapters. Is this from the script leak? If so then im happy ;-).
  20. Cyber$nake

    Did anyone else feel like they were playing StarShip troopers

    did you ever see the ST show too? I think it was called Rough Necks but I dont really remember...kind of wierd too, but interesting. Edit: Yep roughnecks, somtin mentioned about it in an above post.