How do you have a wake induced lucid dream?
I remember waking up in a dream once after I relised school gyms don't usually have those slides you have to get in a sack to go down in.
It's intentional I think, to show how you actions effect the environment or something like that (Valve did this in Half Life 1 as well with 'Unforseen Consoquences' where you have to backtrack through the wrecked labs).
My earliest gaming memory would be one of the Tomb Raider games where you had to get across mud you could sink into or quick sand. I could never do that so I remeber going to the mansion and trying to kill the butler.
I joined the forums ages ago and left near the end of 2005 according to the bit that tells you when you last visited. Since I still lurked in the forums I thought I may as well get my account back to post. So here I am.
I like HL2 because unlike HL1 you can use your enviroment to beat the enimies e.g in route canal you can use the barrels on the bridge to blow it to bits along with the combine.