I was pretty certain I would not need to see any reviews of Oblivion for me to buy this game. Seeing this has really confirmed that I will be getting this game no matter what. This will be the first game that will probably be able to break me free of the clutches of World of Warcraft for any...
I hate companies that tell me which product or service I prefer.
How about I be the judge of which search engine is better Microsoft? How about you shut your mouth and let me decide once you release your product.
Look up the study of etymology. This is how languages evolve. Right now the American south speaks what is called an english dialect. Isolate it and after a generation it will be a nearly unrecognizable dialect of english. Give it another century and it will likely be a whole different...
It is late and I am too tired to really get into this so this is all I will say:
Unless you believe in a higher being, the concept of "good" and "evil" are entirely human creations. Is humanity naturally good or bad? Well that depends on how you as an individual decide to define "good" and...
It does use standard DVD's:
Nintendo has also talked about a seperate purchase that would enable the Revolution to play DVD movies. Many assume it will be in the form of a flash memory card that has the firmware for DVD playback on it.
That is about as sick as they get. It is highly unlikely that she would have lived if he had done the right thing and called an ambulance right away, however he had no way of knowing that at the time. Which makes it worse of course, for once ignorance actually makes what the person did even...
In my opinion it will either be Draenei or an entirely new race we have not seen before in any previous games.
That new article though is damn interesting to me. I love looking into Warcraft lore and using it to determine what Blizzard has planned next. To me it seems that Blizzard is...
Nintendo has been saying all along that they intend Revolution development to be really cheap. I consider this to be evidence that they are in fact following through with that.
I really do forsee the Revolution to be the Indy developers console platform of choice, which is something I am...
Doesn't really affect me much since I never tried a priest. Not because I don't like them, but because my internet connection is so terrible that I would really suck as a priest what with my delayed heals and all.
How could they do this to one of my favorite NES franchises?!?!
I mean look at the Blue Bomber:
Also now the bosses have voices and they sound like kids apparently. I am all for graphical remakes of 15 year old...
Hypnotism is real, not everyone can be hypnotized however. You also can't be hypnotized if you don't want to be hypnotized, your mind has to be willing to allow itself to be hypnotized.
A friend of mine was hypnotized this year for one of those shows, I know for a fact she was not told ahead...
Grrrrr It better not be released during my exam schedule. If it is released any later than March 20th then I hope it will be after April when my exams are finally over.
If you don't want fundamentalist views to increase then you can't turn people who have those views into victims.
Jailing him is amazingly moronic, his views are terrible but by jailing him you are only going to cause more trouble than simply ignoring would do.
When we agree to have things...
Often making the game fun results in realism. Games where the sneaking aspect is what makes it fun for instance require that you have very low health and that you are easy to kill. That just happens to be a realistic thing as well.
Sometimes games that are hyper-realistic are fun because...
Haha this just like one of my roomates. Everytime he goes home or to the grocery store he always brings back at least 10L worth of chocolate milk. Our fridge always has at least 4 full cartons of it on the go.