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  1. The Mullinator

    Face transformer

    Nope, I just found it on Digg a few minutes ago.
  2. The Mullinator

    Face transformer I just tried it and I have to say the images it returned were rather disturbing for me. I was actually scared to look at myself when I was older and the image it returned to show me as a baby looked like it came...
  3. The Mullinator

    Some fag tryed to steal my Steam Account

    Fag: "act as a servant for older boys, in British public schools" In other words, he is now Shamrocks bitch. I think the insult was perfectly reasonable and acceptable given this newly discovered definition. Mind you this a definition for "fag"...
  4. The Mullinator

    Trusted Computing

    ... You don't trust Slashdot? It was not a Slashdot article. This is what it links too. I only posted the Slashdot article because it provides something of a summary.
  5. The Mullinator

    Gandalf Is Gay

    People don't care if someone is gay, they care about hearing new personal information about celeberties. That is why this is interesting, I think that is something many in this thread don't seem to understand.
  6. The Mullinator

    Trusted Computing I wasn't sure where this thread should go, Hardware & Software, here, or Politics. Anyhoo, this is probably going to be one of the worst things that will ever happen to the computer world. Be wary folks because we are going to start...
  7. The Mullinator

    Back when I used to drive tanks in the air force

    Something tells me you guys are lying but back when I was a Navy SEAL killing north Koreans I seem to remember seeing a tank with a weiner painted on so I can't be sure.
  8. The Mullinator

    16 Dead/11 Churches Burned

    heh: World War 1: Triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June 1914. World War 3: Triggered by a newspaper cartoon depicting Mohammed?... I think there is no argument anymore. The western world and the Islamic world are on a...
  9. The Mullinator

    Game Console Controller Family Tree

    Now that is stylish. I like it a lot. Also I have to say that: The final Gamecube controller looks ok. But This prototype, even though they are so similar that the...
  10. The Mullinator

    Gandalf Is Gay

    *Slowly backs out of the thread before he can do any more damage to himself.
  11. The Mullinator

    Gandalf Is Gay

    Bwahaha now I feel really stupid. :imu:
  12. The Mullinator

    Gandalf Is Gay

    Good thing Elijah Woods isn't homophobic (i'm guessing) what with all the hugging and intimate moments Gandalf and Frodo have. Anyway interesting, never knew anything about it. Also I think it would have been better if the thread was titled "Magneto is gay". Just makes the topic seem a bit...
  13. The Mullinator

    Penny Arcade dukes it out with Sony (SOE)

    Graphics != Art They aren't bashing the graphical technology of EQ2, they are bashing the art department for not being creative enough. This is the reason why Half-Life 2 is often said to have better graphics than Doom 3, it may not be as advanced technologically but it is far superior in the...
  14. The Mullinator

    PS3 cost and release date estimate

    They know the manufacturing processes, the R&D costs, they have comparisons with previous products, they have chip manufacturing plant information, they review every announcement and change with company policy, they know what is going into the chip and how it is going in. They could be wrong...
  15. The Mullinator

    PS3 cost and release date estimate

    Umm, the article never once talks about whether they think it will be succesful or not. Only what they think the PS3 will cost to manufacture (and I trust the numbers they have given are going to be relatively accurate) and they give a potential situation to explain when Sony may release the...
  16. The Mullinator

    Lost in WoW (please help)

    I love Gnomes, I just wish though that there was a class that suited them better however. Maybe some kind of engineering class instead of just a profession, give the Horde Goblins so they can get this class too.
  17. The Mullinator

    PS3 cost and release date estimate

    This is from Merril Lynch the investment firm. They have decided that the PS3 will cost $900 to make initially, they don't give an estimate for how much Sony will sell it for however so Sony could make it the same price as the Xbox and take a massive loss on each system sold. They also believe...
  18. The Mullinator

    Huge Gothic 3 fan questions to developers

    I took a look at that when they first started. Very nice to see it is constantly being updated. I like the idea of how they are going to handle upgrades in sword fighting skills. In the previous two games there were two major improvements you could achieve where the character would suddenly...
  19. The Mullinator

    PSP being a failure?

    The UMD movie format is looking to be a failure at least. Which of course certainly won't help the PSP. The PSP won't be a failure though, a failure was the N-gage. The PSP could at least warrant Sony making a PSP2. They...
  20. The Mullinator

    PS3 online service titled "Playstation HUB"--Japan/US launch in September!