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  1. K

    Valve/Turtlerock maps

    got militia? :O http://www.*************/bbs/css-map-release-csmilitiakab-vt29857.html (ya'll know what forum and where)
  2. K

    The Big DM map thread

    Dm_Elysia, by me! This one's kindof an abstraction, not hl2 themed. http://www.*************/bbs/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1211 (links to hl2 or if you prefer: extract to your hl2mp\maps directory, yada yada yada
  3. K

    Need help. Can you DEcompile a BSP?

    Short answer: Yes long answer: You wouldnt want to. The geometry you get out of decompile programs are entirely unworkable, cluttered, and impossible to manipulate in hammer. Imagine from a small map like de_dust, a decompile output .map with 220,490 brushes each thinner than paper.
  4. K

    Celeberies you want to see as president of the United States

    Jon Stuart: prez (did any of you see him on crossfire? the dude's a genius!) Morgan Freeman : veep Sean Connery: Speaker of the house
  5. K

    Gabe's Picture in Half Life 2

    most likely. and the one that looks like the gman is probably slick -- one of the black mesa scientist models.
  6. K


    and yea, its a remake. Whaddya do eh? Made by popular request, i suppose.
  7. K


    the nightvision is because thats what i happened to have on when taking the screenshot. the kab_ prefix is to differentiate this map from any upcoming official militias from valve.
  8. K


    i posted it in the wrong forum before, it seems. but have no fear, for more screens + download link go here http://*************/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=14965
  9. K

    [CS:S MAP RELEASE!] Kab_militia_b1

    change to the url of a naughty hl2 website, more map details and download location there.
  10. K

    [CS:S MAP RELEASE!] Kab_militia_b1

    Get it while its hot :monkee: http://*************/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=14965 (ya'll know what to do with that link)
  11. K

    If you're posting because you're pissed about Icarus, read this.

    Zealousness aside, at least Icarus had some personality -- something the community needs more than an owner who indiscriminately bans and censors, then makes vague policies thereupon. 10 bucks says munro goes on a mad banning spree, purging hl2net of all veterans with half a brain, hl2wo...
  12. K

    I've been fired...

    The way i see it: moderators exist to operate autonomously from admins and other moderators. The point is to have more heads working toward improvng the community, not just delegates to pass on the direct orders of their superiors. Whats the point of having moderators and other forum officials...
  13. K

    What kids will learn in History class

    i predict nude alyx models/skins by day 4 whose with me? :E
  14. K

    Will it Run Alright? (I'm a n00b here)

    i wouldnt worry about the cpu too much, most of the strain of hl2 will be on your gpu and its ability to handle the new shaders. A 9600 should do fine.
  15. K

    **very Urgent If True!**

    how are people still falling for this
  16. K

    cs_militia and de_prodigy in modelviewer directory

    im getting pretty close to releasing my port of militia, expect it sometime this week
  17. K

    when was the last time you cried?

    this thread = :|
  18. K

    Unlocking Half-Life 2... sounds dodgy.

    its a fake, possibly a virus. We've started to crack down on newbies begging for it over at hl2w....theyre really desperate its sad, just wait till the 16th i say.
  19. K

    Are you a Virgin?

    No. But no disrespect to those who said yes, just go at your own pace, rushing things will only ruin the experience.
  20. K

    Ever taken drugs?

    No, i prefer to keep my wits about me at all times.