Search results

  1. L

    3d artist want to take part of a mod

    E-mailed you, got a reply, and replied back... mod documentation is in-progress. Any decision on your end of things?
  2. L

    3d artist want to take part of a mod

    E-mail sent
  3. L

    Unconfirmed Release Dates

    Not sure... Dawn of War was released over here on a Tuesday (21st September)
  4. L

    GoldenEye 007 Mod looking for Help.

    If you find the right person to e-mail, you might just be alright using the name "Goldeneye" and "007". I'm running a Warhammer 40k mod and e-mailed the makers (Games-Workshop) to check it was legal. They told me that it was fine as long as it was non-profit and that I displayed a license...
  5. L

    Modeller and Musician available for work

    And he ALSO joined the Omega Project! Looking forward to seeing his work!
  6. L

    Modeller and Musician available for work

    Omega Project The Omega Project is desperate to hear from you! The Omega Project really needs a modeller for it's HL1/HL2 mod based on Warhammer 40k. The main news page is at but there is more coverage on our mod profile at Moddb (
  7. L

    Offering - 3d modeler & mapper

    The Omega Project are VERY interested for models. Please contact me via PM or e-mail at [email protected] Theres more info on our website at, although the main site is still under development
  8. L

    A collective effort for ALL MODs. (Free Tool Packs)

    Sounds like a great idea to me. It does take away some of the independance of the mods though. Otherwise, good luck!
  9. L

    Half-life 2 and April 2004...don't assume April

    Sorry! Just adding the only info I have to hand. Better than nothing isn't it?
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    Half-life 2 and April 2004...don't assume April

    I remain optimistic, even though I'm not sure why. I agree that its possible that HL2 will be delayed past April 2004. However, consider that: [list=1] Amazon have a date for it: 9th April. Pretty precise eh? Prima have announced their strategy guides for HL2, and a mod-makers guide. Where...
  11. L

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Maybe, but having seen the videos I diagree. The AI may not be fully implemented but firstly, did you notice on the Barricade demo the soldier firing off a flare? They didn't do that in HL1. Secondly, did you see the scientist AI in the same video? They kept there backs to the walls, ran for...
  12. L

    Could HL2 be released much earlier than we think?

    Heres some info from Amazon, which may or may not be reliable. I don't know. Prima have released an official strategy guide for HL2 and a mod makers guide, or at least it says they have on Amazon. Me wonders how they got their hands on enough info... Actually it could be they have announced...
  13. L

    Vehicle: Exotic Supercar -=Design=-

    Set as background. VERY NICE WORK. That black car just look so cool! Good job. Unfortunately the thing looks as if the owner would have to make an insurance claim every time he came across a speed bump - it looks a bit close to the ground, but other wise fantastic work.
  14. L

    wip 40k Tech Priest

    Very nice model. Did you use Maya for this? I agree with Beldor about the eyes, but otherwise the face looks great. Are you making this for a mod?
  15. L

    Call me SunHawk :)

    Shirley you can't be serious? :D
  16. L

    Personal Webpage...

    Looks great. I'm viewing on 800x600 now, so I reckon you might want to do something with the graphics (set them to percentages size wise rather than specific pictures) as at the moment from my view it looks a bit messed up. Really nice design though.
  17. L

    [WIP]Necromunda: Gang War - Models

    Sorry! You said you were worried though so... never mind. Nice desktop. Might want to make the backdrop slightly less repetitive though.
  18. L

    [WIP]Necromunda: Gang War - Models

    Tip for you. If you're worried about copyright, just e-mail Games-Workshop. They should be quite happy to help you as long as you put a little legal notice up on your site (I haven't got round to it on my mod yet!). Just make sure you get the notice for the site and that you don't add different...
  19. L

    The Omega Project - Modellers

    In addition, the Omega Project has announed a banner competiton for the website. Pretty much anything goes as long it's sensible. More details on the Omega Project forums ( and follow the links)
  20. L

    The Omega Project - Modellers

    Sorry, forgot to mention. Unlike most, this is a SINGLEPLAYER mod. No mucking around with servers and Steam: pure simple stuff this.