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  1. IonGorilla

    The Truth Matters

    That was possibly the dumbest comment i've ever read :dozey: I hate 12 year olds.
  2. IonGorilla

    TheNerdMovie Review: Harry Potter 3

    It was pretty good, seemed rushed in alot of places and the cgi was aweful but its definatly worth seeing.
  3. IonGorilla

    What do avatars make you feel???

    My avantar gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside :O /me runs around and smashs random objects
  4. IonGorilla

    Top 5 SP Games?

    Balduers Gate Red Alert Planescape:Torment Deus Ex Max Payne
  5. IonGorilla

    short story ideas?!!

    Angery, Badger, Hunger, Pain , Food. First words that came to mind, dont think that will help much though.
  6. IonGorilla

    My word is Law.

    Rofl very true, especially the part about hardware, applies to anyone who has ever put their system specs in their signature.
  7. IonGorilla

    anyone wanna see my new AFI tattoo?

    I never liked AFI much, but the tatto looks pretty good.
  8. IonGorilla


    Looks pretty good, the floor is kind of boring though.
  9. IonGorilla

    Funniest picture you'll ever see

    ........ :p
  10. IonGorilla

    You're all so depressing...

    My dog ate an entire choclate cake once, didnt die but got run over by a car 3 weeks later. ;(
  11. IonGorilla

    Gamespot finally lost their mind...

    The sims was awesome until i ran out of ways to kill them. I still remember the first time i made my sim swim, then sold the pool ladder and watched him drown. :D
  12. IonGorilla

    The assuming song

    he looked like a man with a sizeable home in the country, with a big fence out front ..........: :laugh: :dork:
  13. IonGorilla

    ComradeBadger is win

    Hugparty1111!!!!!! /me hugs everyone
  14. IonGorilla


    I have mine coming up in about 3 weeks, there incredibly easy. /me laughs at all the Uni guys
  15. IonGorilla

    Which people don't you like?

    err..I doubt any of the people listed so far are very intelligent. The companies they work for make all their important decisions for them, so they can make the most money. They are basically taught how to sing/act/what to say so that people will buy their products.
  16. IonGorilla

    what are you listening to right now?

    Pink Floyd - Sheep
  17. IonGorilla

    Equilibrium - 1984

    Equibrium was alright but nothing special and it does ripoff 1984 in many ways.
  18. IonGorilla

    Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Dead Man Walking Records...

    In the entrance to the manor yard theres a wall you can hide behind, enemies come up one by one so their easy to kill. You could probably last alot longer than 23 minutes but eventually i got bored.
  19. IonGorilla

    Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Dead Man Walking Records...

    I got 23 minutes on the manor level by hiding behind the wall near the main entrance. Other than that most of my times are under 4 minutes, i never liked DMW much.
  20. IonGorilla

    Freedom Fighters Looking For Help!

    its game: