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  1. S

    why do all the black characters look the same?

    I believe that most of the game characters were modeled after Valve employees. That being the case, if they don't have a group of Black men or women who work there, then the character models would be limited. As was stated in a previouse thread, this is supposed to be set in a European Bloc...
  2. S

    Half Life 2 Books Out Today

    A quick note for those of us in the USA, gamestop, ebgames, and B&N show a release date of 19 November. I am in Washington. Believe me I just spent the last couple hours store hopping. Meh..
  3. S

    Hl2 vs Farcry vs Doom 3 (Graphics)

    hmmm, i would if the game was OUT. pointless arguement. wait for the games. both.
  4. S

    Hl2 vs Farcry vs Doom 3 (Graphics)

    Man I cant believe people dont like the doom 3 graphics. It took years to get that patented can't see shit technology right. And for the guy who though they looked like real photos with a different lens: "DUH!"
  5. S

    Cabinet bounce

    although you have to admit it is kinda goofy to be near a cabinet and the thing reaches out and smacks ya back.
  6. S

    Cabinet bounce

    oh. duh. I'm with ya now. thanks.
  7. S

    Cabinet bounce

    This is the full game isn't it? Or am I being retarded? On second thought, don't answer second question. Guys know what I am talking about though, you bump into a cabinet and there is no give or solid thump like a wall, you just end up being pushed back like you are a rubber ball.
  8. S

    Cabinet bounce

    And yes I did do a search. Has anyone else bumped into a cabinet and been pushed back 5 feet every dang time. I think the cabinets are fighting back. Hmmm, maybe its just me.... Naaaaahhhh.
  9. S

    Has anyone noticed

    Why yes it is. My screen name is short for "Submarine Force".
  10. S

    where should i goto get pcgame us half lfie 2 issue?

    Wal-mart, target,.... Jesus dude go the store already. Or a subscription.
  11. S

    Has anyone noticed

    can't help it, it's very yummy. mmmm must go home and molest spouse.
  12. S

    Has anyone noticed

    Bremerton. Stationed at SUBASE Bangor. Or as they like to call it now Naval Base Kitsap.
  13. S

    Has anyone noticed

    Noticed your location said... "we interrupt this thread to stare at his avatar. we now return you back to the regular thread" WA. Where?
  14. S

    Has anyone noticed

    I'm sorry, I was staring at your avatar. Did you say something?
  15. S

    hl2 only six chapters

    Hmmm, okay I remember a game called Unreal II. They said the game had like 15 chapters and as those who played it can tell you, half of them were cut-scenes that were actually counted as chapters so the game was absurdly short. So amount of chapters really means the dogs bollocks when it comes...
  16. S

    Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday

    OMG I just made juicy in my pants. \o/ How come no "raising the bar". Is this to be sold in bookstores? Does this mean we should be hearing "gold" any second now?
  17. S

    Is This a Gaming First!

    Its the point of what Valve is doing. Forcing VU to put the game out now or lose revenue to people purchasing off steam to get the CS:S. Brilliant move by Valve actually.
  18. S

    why so many MP whiners?

    It appears that the CS fans missed the point of the complaints. There is no doubting the popularity of CS but CS is not the "only" mp game with a big fanbase. To completely disregard the rest of the mp community is shameful. I can see that other ports may be coming down the pipe but to place...
  19. S

    Final Release Date?!?!

    Make sure you use "mallard". Welcome to the forums. :cheers:
  20. S

    i have to admit...

    Hmmm. I think it really matters whether or not you are drawn into what happens next. What makes a person want to get to the next level, section, etc. Some older titles that I stilll play are System Shock 1 and 2 (get these for atmosphere), Clive Barkers Undying, and original Deus Ex. Dated...