Search results

  1. Geno

    Whoa...what if you can do this...

    Uhm, they've said so? Otherwise what would stop you from picking up a combine?
  2. Geno

    Mt. St. Helens or HL2?

    Darnit, threads take me sooooo much longer to read when platinum or letters post in them. *fap fap fap @ keira knightley*
  3. Geno

    It's over, problem solved

    it's okay buddy, i love joo
  4. Geno

    hydra still in hl2?

    Valve needs better time management skills... and some good motivation. THEY SHOULD CALL TIM ROBBINS! er... wait...
  5. Geno

    Squads in HL2: good or not?

    *Blows conch* News team, assemble!
  6. Geno

    hydra still in hl2?

    *is sad*
  7. Geno

    hydra still in hl2?

    Except Christ is a tentacle?
  8. Geno

    hydra still in hl2?

    Yay! Because of course I wasn't going to buy HL2 if they cut the hydra.
  9. Geno

    Combine Elite?

    GO GO POWER RANGERS! The combin elite just seems.... off.
  10. Geno

    If there was a standard DVD version...

    How much does the CE cost?
  11. Geno

    Bloody Hell! SIX INSTALLATION CD'S?!

    So wait... which version installs on DVD (i want that one)
  12. Geno

    Controlling DOG

    *stares at mitch's avy for days* hahaha, edward norton is getting justice for starring in the Italian Job!
  13. Geno

    whats vampire whatever...?

    Vampires are neato
  14. Geno

    You are remaking the site?

    They'll make it as pretty as this forum.... wait.... don't remake the site!
  15. Geno

    My, my EYES!

    *curls into fetal position*
  16. Geno

    My, my EYES!

    Hey wait a tic.... where's rumors and speculatioN?!
  17. Geno

    Yep, it is (only) a 90! (PC Gameplay) scans included.

    What happened to that 36-48 hours anyway? Not that I was expecting that in the first place - that's just TOO long for a game. Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
  18. Geno


    I think targeting its cannon might be a good idea... or, what if they're just... invincible? And you just have to hide from them and stuff? That would rock...
  19. Geno

    My, my EYES!

    They can't handles this much light!
  20. Geno

    What movies have influenced Valve?

    LA Confidential, obv <_< >_>