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  1. Reaper978

    Hi all im new here

    Can't say that's false. I really can't entirely blame him for it either. HL2 fanboys have been bashing on doom 3 since the very beginning. By the way, I really doubt a friendly D3 vs. HL2 conversation is even possible. Heh, looks like I missed that. I wasn't expecting to see another...
  2. Reaper978

    Hi all im new here

    I should also mention that doom3world has an entire section DEVOTED to HL2. I don't know about you, but I am not seeing this site pay the same respect to Doom 3.
  3. Reaper978

    Hi all im new here

    Take a look at this thread and watch how everyone started jumping all over the thread starter because he had a different opinion than everyone else. The 4 player limit is pretty intrusive, yet this is bound to improve. The game was never meant for multiplayer anyway. Nice. Need I also...
  4. Reaper978

    Gordo's reflection

    Well, reflections aren't the only thing that are a challenge, but gordon's interactions with the world as well. What is he going to be mind controlling the steering wheel and doors for this and HL3 too? They are going to remove all mirrors because it yanks you out of the immersion? Come on, I...
  5. Reaper978

    Regarding AI (VALVe statement)

    I am sorry for bringing up doom 3 in this, but I do find it humourous that hl2 fans get to feel the exact same way doom 3 fans did when hl2 fans judged the alpha as the final game. :cheers:
  6. Reaper978

    Instead Of Arguing (Lets Respect Valves Decision) Give Valve The Credit They Deserve

    hah, ya I should have thought about that. Of course this of all places would know about it first. I am just relieved that it isnt delayed. :)
  7. Reaper978

    Instead Of Arguing (Lets Respect Valves Decision) Give Valve The Credit They Deserve

    ack. I can't believe I didnt see that. Forgive me.
  8. Reaper978

    Instead Of Arguing (Lets Respect Valves Decision) Give Valve The Credit They Deserve

    enough read the stickey in the general forum by munro please. edited by mmw
  9. Reaper978

    Gold questions.........

    Where is it written that they have to announce that it has gone gold?
  10. Reaper978

    New Video

    indeed, the fun is over. :(
  11. Reaper978

    New Video

    linkage please
  12. Reaper978

    New Video

    Must.... reach...... 9800.....
  13. Reaper978

    New Video

    keep it alive, this is fun.
  14. Reaper978

    New Video

    Ya shading techniques, you know, not using a workaround for shadows and instead fully rendering the shadows. If they got soft shadows in there and lowered the contrast it would look real.
  15. Reaper978

    New Video

    per poly hit detection is non-existant in hl2.
  16. Reaper978

    New Video

    If people knew how advanced the doom 3 engine is they wouldnt be dissing it.
  17. Reaper978

    New Video

    you can pick up a ti 4600 for 150 off pricewatch.
  18. Reaper978

    New Video

    this is probably the most fun I have had on the hl2 forum :)
  19. Reaper978

    New Video

    What is the world record for amount of posts?
  20. Reaper978

    New Video

    better not be *POST*