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  1. snark^


    Looks pretty shabby compared to what we know source can do from HL2 but that's not my main problem with this (Deus Ex wannabe) game: I've just got that slidey feeling when it comes to the controls -- press forward and the char keeps going until it wants to stop itself, no matter my desperately...
  2. snark^

    New STALKER Screenshots

    The reports from e3 said it was visibly stuttering on the latest nvidia stuff they had there. Like HL2 it might scale down well: decent framerate but looking less spectacular than those new screens on the mid-priced cards like the 9600. As for those screens looking bad? We were all drooling...
  3. snark^

    Stuck at SandTrap

    Throw pheromone grenades up onto the prison rooves to get the antlions up there -- the gunships then will shoot at them (well... mostly) because they're closer. Take your time circling the blue(?) container for cover while potting away at them. Try to down one at a time -- better to have...
  4. snark^

    The best Monty Python sketch

    NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the...
  5. snark^

    I dont get you people |:|

    Well it's not just the thrill of playing a great SP game that it's going to be. There's also the reinvigoration of the online community with new (better?) mods, which was beginning to get a bit jaded after 6 years of playing the same old stuff -- which is a reason for joy all by itself...
  6. snark^

    Interesting screenshot

    They're helping someone else kneeling on the floor (Eli?Kleiner?) get to his feet.
  7. snark^

    Rome: Total War screenshots thread.

    What mod is that reaperman? Just noticed your minimap is displaying a lot more britain and a lot less africa...
  8. snark^

    Rome: Total War screenshots thread.

    Yeah. Desperately trying to get some awesome temples of Baal up so I can build sacred band infantry. Facing princepes with what I've got is suicide without the heffalump support. The Corduba colony in southern Spain was under constant attack from the Gauls and Spaniards and was barely hanging...
  9. snark^

    Rome: Total War screenshots thread.

    Trying the Carthaginians out now: crap early infantry; non-existant missile infantry (barring the occassional baleric slinger-mercs); excellent large-mammal cav... Found a single unit of Hastati lurking in a previously unseen valley. Threw the nearest available unit at them. Super-Hastati...
  10. snark^

    Rome: Total War screenshots thread.

    Yeah. The phalanxes can 180 on you really easy, but reforming themselves to defend threats to their flanks is much slower and until they do there's not enough spears there to stop a decent charge. Where possible I try to lure them out, id which of my units is their target (to get them moving...
  11. snark^

    Rome: Total War screenshots thread.

    They came at my mob with 9 phalanxes, 4 light horse and 1-2 peltasts. Thought this army was dead where it stood because I just didn't have enough cavalry to flankses the phalanxes -- they'd just roll forward to kill off my lone phalanx and principes and slaughter the archers. What happened...
  12. snark^

    What old creatures will return?

    The larger-than-a-garg purple panther appeared in a single-player mission: Chris Spain's (he of the rats-map originator fame) excellent Edge of Darkness IIRC. Quite a tough SOB as it could shoot lighting out of its eye and you were stuck in a single large room with it. There was tons of...
  13. snark^

    Rome : Total War

    Best part is, when you take Rome this time you don't get the Pope returning to kick your arse out after 5 turns or so... One of the few bad points about Medieval that was... Note: armies composed entirely of cavalry are fun... until it comes time to kick some experienced infantry out of...
  14. snark^

    Mod Weapons Screenshots

    The flash model renders do create a lot of interest. Making them is also what got the designers into creating a mod in the first place -- which brings us to Mac's point; the majority don't bother (or get bored with) making the rest of the game from then on... but shee-oot! - don't those damn...
  15. snark^

    Rome : Total War

    My usual field army: 3 units of spears as the meatshield in front of 3 archers. Usually group a spear/archer unit so they move about together (SHIFT-4 for spears first; SHIFT-5 for archers first). Add 3 cohorts of sword swingers and 2 light (missile) cavalry and 2 heavy cavalry + the general's...
  16. snark^

    Rome : Total War

    Choice of initial Roman faction mainly dictates which targets the senate sets you: Julii get to go north to Gaul/Germania/Spain; Scipii get to stonk Carthage; the Brutii got the NE/Greece. Not 100% sure but they might get small differences too: eg., Scipii better ships, certain gladiator units...
  17. snark^

    Meet Sam Fisher.... the new James Bond

    Like the 'heartbeat sensor' in Rainbow Six? :) Skeptic's Refuge: Sandia Labs: Clancy's no better than the rest when it comes to predicting useful future-tech. In this case it's the...
  18. snark^

    I want to cry

    They're much better if you prefer a more realistic approach to your spacesims (hence the functional looking craft). It doesn't behave like the typical fighter-jock-in-space lameness and there's the option to go completely zero-gee physics if you want too. While I-War was almost totally...
  19. snark^

    Team Fortress

    After TFC they were going to aim TF2 for the more realistic gameplay ideal IIRC: two man machine gun sub-teams, no concing or r-jumping and so forth. They took too long however and got seriously pre-empted by mods like Firearms. I'd be surprised if they were still going for that realistic...
  20. snark^

    Tomb Raider SEVEN

    TR2 and 3 were the best. TR3 was pretty much 'TR for experts' though seeing as the puzzles were despicably fiendish and not for the beginner. TR1 was a bit dull with not as much action (at least to those of use who started out of TR2). TR2 had the best mix of action, exotic locations and...