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  1. Abdi

    "Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

    Bend it like beckham! :naughty: Picture 1 Picture 2 Scissor Kick! :P Picture 1 hehehe alyx has joined the fifa industry :smoking:
  2. Abdi

    Year release delay shows in the visuals

    at least the characters dont look like plastic dolls :P
  3. Abdi

    Predictions on GameSpot's rating?

    btw if gamespot gives it lower than 9.6, i aint never going to read their stupid reviews anymore!
  4. Abdi

    Predictions on GameSpot's rating?

    hmm... 10.9999
  5. Abdi

    What score will HL2 receive from Gamespot?

    whens the gamespot review releasing?
  6. Abdi


    i dont find it funny, your all stupid :S
  7. Abdi

    Retail copies kind of suck...

    Its so sad u people complain about the paper and box, when its the game we really want :S grow up
  8. Abdi

    Need advice on what to do for the next 3 days.

    whats cancer?
  9. Abdi

    Wait...No FLATOUT thread here?!?

    awesome game for sure :D
  10. Abdi

    The G-Man!!!!

    not if i have god-mode on
  11. Abdi

    I have recieved my HL2 Gold Package!!!

    congrats man, were all happy :D
  12. Abdi

    Half Life 2 XBox

    well depends what features the xbox-2 will have, it might turn out to be a pc but they will call it a console :|
  13. Abdi

    5 Days until release. Why isn't there more hype?

    right now people are doing all sorts of stuff to waste time. im so bored right now :(
  14. Abdi

    My copy is being picked and packed!!!

    yes, no one can play until the game is unlocked through steam
  15. Abdi

    Right, I've decided!

    its a squarish rabbit :|
  16. Abdi

    The G-Man!!!!

    or maybe the reason we cant hear him speak is because he may have the same voice as the g-man and talks exactly like him :P "wake up mr.freeman"
  17. Abdi

    Right, I've decided!

    Getting my copy on 23rd, and yes i can wait that long.
  18. Abdi

    Difficulty Defined

    start off with Hard, I will definitely enjoy it more and it will take more time to finish the game. I dont want to finish it in 5 hours with Easy :P
  19. Abdi

    The G-Man!!!!

    and then i will use the manipulator to pick him up and smash his ugly face into the brick walls and make the zombies eat his flesh