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  1. [w0f]Oblivion

    Black Mesa Alpha Leaked

    QFE Even if you think its a hoax, Wouldnt more attention for the mod be good, Regardless? i think everyone is excited about this mod. including myself.
  2. [w0f]Oblivion

    Frezzing Problem! omg plz help!! =[

    Dont listen to these guys. Sounds like Your graphics card is overheating to me, Either that or your processor is, Do a full clean of the inside of your computer, be carefull though, get all those dust bunnies out of there and make sure all of the fans are running well and airflow is not bieng...
  3. [w0f]Oblivion

    Utopia in Dystopia

    YES! been waiting for some new dystopia maps.
  4. [w0f]Oblivion

    Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Update Released

    Good to hear they are still workin on teh small bugs :D
  5. [w0f]Oblivion

    No More Room In Hell "City of Dawn" Map Preview

    Lovely, Just lovely.
  6. [w0f]Oblivion

    Iron Grip: Oppression Teaser

    *Bum Bum Pschhhhhhh*
  7. [w0f]Oblivion

    Iron Grip: Oppression Teaser

    well they also need low poly guys, because theres going to be Alot of them on screen at one time..
  8. [w0f]Oblivion

    Weekly Steam News (12/08/05)

  9. [w0f]Oblivion

    Getting new RAM tomorrow...

    Genius. Pure genius.
  10. [w0f]Oblivion

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    This movie was the worst piece of made for the market, Trendy gothware Bull**** that ive seen in awhile, there were a few funny parts, But the fact that Johnny depp and tim burton felt they could remake a classic like this just shows what egotistical bastards they really are. and johnny depp was...
  11. [w0f]Oblivion

    Check this metal out....

    My god i hope your kidding... Yeah Shadowsfall has AMAZING guitarists and drummers, But the only problem is they need a new vocalist... Jason bittner is one of my favorite drummers
  12. [w0f]Oblivion

    TFC to FF, will valve take notice... if not why?

    They ARE developing tf2, they said so right before hl2 shipped, and i think there was something in raising the bar about it.
  13. [w0f]Oblivion

    Weekly Steam News (01/07/05)

    Its not supposed to make sense, This is cs afterall. Stop bitching, this is how 1.6 is they just want it more like 1.6
  14. [w0f]Oblivion

    Checking CDKEY

    Steam Ties all of your CD KEYS to your STEAM ACCOUNT. So that way all you have to remember is your steam account, and youll Never need the cd key again.
  15. [w0f]Oblivion

    Whats with this crap

    Because people have a nasty habit of pirating software, and this makes valve more money.
  16. [w0f]Oblivion

    internet security

  17. [w0f]Oblivion

    Admit that you listen to cheesey music here

    The closest thing i have to cheesy music is "Moonlight sonata" by beethoven... I dont even consider that cheesy, its a nice addition to my "Punk/SOAD/Hardcore/Emo" music mix...
  18. [w0f]Oblivion

    HDR Compatible?

    Uhh, Just so you guys know, the HDR isnt whats giving a huge performance hit, its the High res textures, bumpmapping etc. the HDR, from what ive read, Actually doesnt give much of a hit to fps. (my guess is 10 or so fps lower.)
  19. [w0f]Oblivion

    Digital vs analog sound

    Analog>Digital Thats about as far as i know.
  20. [w0f]Oblivion

    hdr wtf

    Hdr wont use up much fps from what ive heard, Lost coast is only hardcore because of the Polies per map and high res textures, Everything mapped in some sort of way (mostly bump), etc.