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  1. Schikitar

    Argentan out YEAH!

    C'mon - got screenies??? I don't finish work for like another 4 hours! How on Earth will I survive? ;P
  2. Schikitar

    Argentan out YEAH!

    WTF? Is this a pre-emptive post - or has Valve just, this minute, released it? I'm at work - can't check! :(
  3. Schikitar

    AGP 4x versus AGP 8x for Source

    Isn't it a K7S5A? Man, those boards were bloody dodgy, we had about 10 of the Rev 3's - they all died after a year or so!
  4. Schikitar

    HDRI for CS S ?

    That would do wonders for your FPS - not...
  5. Schikitar

    Ge force6600GT problem

    You shouldn't have to limit your AGP speed so leave it at 8x. Make sure fastwrites are off, they do nothing and actually can be a performance hit. Also, set your agp aperture size to twice the size of the memory on your card (256mb limit). Never share a HDD power lead with your video card -...
  6. Schikitar

    First Impression: Dissapointed

    If you want an elaborate story, go rent a movie! ;p
  7. Schikitar

    For the love of God, VALVe! Release it!

    Are you being serious? Dude, Valve have been selling HL2 for weeks and weeks - I think they already have a head start! I know Valve got my $'s a few weeks ago, and it's not like they don't get anything from sold retail packages! They won't unlock early, stop living in hope!
  8. Schikitar

    Proof people have it already

    It's all in this thread - The guy says he has it, can't play it, but can play CS:S. I don't know where all you retail monkeys get the idea that the retail version is anything different from the Steam packages. Steam and retail are both...
  9. Schikitar

    Good strategy websites?

    I hear ya - I'm a CS n00b as well - I missed the boat on all the previous versions (apart from a few LAN games), have been really enjoying it and even been topping some of the scoreboards, but I'm a bit stuck with buy scripts and general 'best strategies'. I searched the net, but it seems to...
  10. Schikitar

    Half-Life 2 release hour confirmed

    Sweeet! I get home from work at about 6pm (East Australia) so that will work out perfectly - might have to take the next day off though! So, even if retail stores sell boxed copies early, it won't matter 'cos those people will still have to activate through Steam just like those who purchased...
  11. Schikitar

    HL2 Rated "15+" by the OFLC

    I'm an Aussie as well, but this was never an issue for me - I mean if Doom3 can pass clasification I don't think HL2 passing was ever going to be an issue! There is a movement in the Australian gaming community at the moment to seriously lobby for changes to the OFLC handling of games. We...
  12. Schikitar

    The mods are looking awesome!

    Indeed, there are certainly some truly astonishing mods in development! The real beauty of this is that as consumers we get total value for money from HL2! All thanks to the passion of mod developers and also the priviledge from Valve to allow those developers to pursue those passions...
  13. Schikitar

    STEAM Backup - HL2 DVD Cover

    Good work there coZ (and thanks to ksimm), good to see an Aussie version!
  14. Schikitar

    Preload stuck at 88%

    I had this problem too, but then I purchased through Steam and all of a sudden off it went again! That was my solution, may not work for anyone else!
  15. Schikitar

    2 new pics have been posted. Real? Who knows.

    Thanks Toy - I was listening! BTW, fellow Aussie here mate!
  16. Schikitar

    Those steam people are sad

    I hardly think that the game would go gold and be shipped to retailers inside the same week - think logically people!
  17. Schikitar

    weee I finished preloading

    Do you guys have download caps? We do in Aus for the most part - like, on my current plan I have to pay $40AUD for 512/128 DSL, with an upload/download cap of 500mb per month - anything over that you have to pay per megabyte! Bloody Tel$tra!
  18. Schikitar

    restart steam people, half life 2 pre load

    Hail the squiqqle-thing!
  19. Schikitar

    PC Games Addict in AUS

    Okay, just got back from the local takeaway (for lunch) and sure enough, in their little magazine section was a copy of 'PC Games Addict' sporting a HL2 cover and about an eight page review! It scored 96%! I tried to memorize the pros and cons but I've forgotten all of them (man my memory...
  20. Schikitar

    EGM/ Editor "heavily impressed" by HL2.

    Hahaha! Now that was funny! Although I did kinda like Halo, and I suspect I'll enjoy Halo2 - but HL2 is where my heart is! Then the wife...