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  1. dc_clan

    I bumped up the resolution to much, game wont start.

    you should be able to change it under advanced under Display Props.: Settings
  2. dc_clan

    lighting missing

    all the lighting in my original maps has suddenly gone missing. PLEASE HELP! :bonce:
  3. dc_clan

    Started my first Map, need opinion

    did this map have 009?
  4. dc_clan

    VERY FUNNY PICTURES i took from CS:S! With Captions!!

    look at his hand....
  5. dc_clan

    Silver Skin Pack v1.2

    there is, i looked before i posted
  6. dc_clan

    Silver Skin Pack v1.2

    need help woth pack, got this error: Bad sequence in GetSequenceActivityName() for model 'weapons\w_smg_mac10.mdl'! also the aug and player skins wouldnt work, but the stuff from the previous packs did. i looked un the the modles folder and both were there help
  7. dc_clan

    Silver Skin Pack v1.2

    i love the weapons, had it since ur first release, only problem is the T skin. make it more like the ct skin.
  8. dc_clan

    Weird message on cs_office?!!

    it happened to me and another friend, we are sure it was from incorrectly installing matrieals for custom maps, we had to delet or cs:s folder and it was restored
  9. dc_clan

    dickheads who spray disgusting images

    ******* is just wrong ( though setting someone's homepage to it when they arent looking is funny)
  10. dc_clan

    De_rats map. DL it now check it out....

    PEOPLE WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR SOME OF YOU TO EXRACT MAPS!!??? btw de_rats is awsome.
  11. dc_clan

    final version: fy_dustDM

    i posted it on halflife world .com for download
  12. dc_clan

    mini me spray

    lol, thank you for teh spray :)
  13. dc_clan

    So many new custom maps, nobody there.

    and de_nuke
  14. dc_clan

    So many new custom maps, nobody there.

    I'm thinking that CS:S will take a while to grow in popularity. Half the ppl i know are being forced to get new video cards that will run source decently, and that cost over $100. mabey as the prices of video cards come down and some server mods come out (like WC3) more ppl will play.
  15. dc_clan

    So many new custom maps, nobody there.

    It's great that all these awsome custom maps are being pumped out so fast. I bought cs:s on the second day after it was released. Slowly more and more people began to play. Now I've seen a steady decline in the number of people in servers. Hopefully, these new custom maps will help bring more...
  16. dc_clan


    will there ever be driveable things in cs:s? there is in hl2.
  17. dc_clan

    mini me spray

    can css load gifs?
  18. dc_clan

    mini me spray

    well i still dont understand how to make it transparent, i can remove the red glow.
  19. dc_clan


    ill pay someone 5 bux to make a good fy_snow, with paticals and everything. i wont really give you money, but it would be much appreciated to me and other people not yet convinced to get css, casue their favorite fy map hasnt been made. ty :D
  20. dc_clan

    mini me spray

    i only have fireworks, i made it transparent, then exported it as a jpeg, didnt work.