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  1. W

    strider vs strider

    Blehhhhhh my mistake..... i actually meant the new war of the worlds movie sorry for the confusion
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    strider vs strider

    movie or HL2 striders what strider did you like most? in the movie they seem to be made of hybrid organic and metal material valve's seemed only organic the sound they made in the movie was awsome i liked valve's strider shape more i liked the way valve's striders moved around and their...
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    HL2:CTF: Hot or Not?

    i agree, though there still many bugs CTF is fun to play when you have a good team of players communicating with each other the experience is really cool, i love CTF deathmatch ++ :)
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    The 7 Hour War(whatever)

    7 hr war? isn't it the time period you have to reformat your system after installing windows? :p
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    Expectation on 2005...

    Hell im expecting anything with "TF" inside dont care if it sourced up TFC or TF2 TF2 is prefered of course :cheese:
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    The 1st thing starting to piss me off.

    happens to me also alot... dunno why maybe its cuz im running xp sp1 only dunno maybe a connection
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    AI Video

    yep you said it all my opinion also i do think that AI will have have more impact on future game developements because now its surely one of the main flaws in todays games
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    Mesh Does Ravenholm

    brits humor - i never get it :) funny watching those vids though keep up the good work guys
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    Cons of HL2

    i totally agree with every word too much scripting despite what valved claimed
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    The biggest disappointment of Half-Life 2

    this poll should have multiple choice.... well as most of u guys said the AI is kinda dissapointing also the many loading times (water hazard) pulled me away from the action quite abit
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    The level you like the most in Half Life 2

    our banifactors + dark energy the whole citadel level is what makes HL2 stand above other games. the architecture is amazing the ambience is great too pitty the chapter is too short. i'd wouldnt mind if half of the game was played in the citadel i freaking love this level, other levels...
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    As fog rolls into City 17...

    thumbs up! nice work
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    scaryest chapter

    LOL yeah jimbo118 that happened to me also. ravenholm wasnt that scary but very tense one of the great parts in the game
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    Steam Validation

    i did the validation thing and everything was ok now everytime i restart steam the validation process starts all over more than 5 min wait... anyone know how to disable validation?
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    the little things you love about the game...

    when you get back the second time to kleiners lab after prospekt you can see lamarr hiding at kleiners legs and then running away when he sees gordon kleiner says something like: "lamarr was scared from your crowbar gordon" made me laugh the part in the mines where you had like 30 headcrab...
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    Combine Chatter

    Does anyone understand what the combine soldiers are saying? i only hear them chatter and mumble but im unable to make anything out from it
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    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    im only dissopoined by the negative and non enthusiast tone of the review, which kinda kills my hype and kicks me back into reality that it sure gonna be a great game, but not the killer game we all thought it would be. we will find out soon enough
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    What will prevent you from playing HL2?

    my damn computer :flame:
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    HL Moments

    the opening train ride. looking back on it now, it captured the essence of HL coolest moment for me was the ability to call down an airstrike while being hunted by that big monster (4got the name) i did replay that part a few times cuz it was fun
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    Physics Engine

    what eiric said :D