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    Introducing "Morgann" an original HL2 Character..!

    Legend. Thats all an artist wants to here after the days of hard work put into this just to get ripped up by people. Nice work man keep it up. Nice to see a character model instead of weapons man, better than i could do i cant do characters for nuts :thumbs: love the poses.
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    Normal Mapping Help

    Uvs can be mirrored, using tangent space. Object or World space you cant mirror. Object spaces normal maps incode all three xyz co-ordinates there for over laying normals is not possible. If the faces are facing the same direction and wont deform then sure why not :P. Tangent space only has 2 co...
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    Normal Mapping Help

    UV's dont need to match. If they do the program is bolloks. I do normal mappping at work so i might be able to help you to some degree. But because i've signed an nda (non-disclosure agreement) i cant release all our little secrets :) Normal mapping isnt easy man, best place to start is to...
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    [Q] UVW Mapping attaching?

    Ank dont be so vein :P. Anks way is actually brilliant and i must stop saying anks way. The viewport unwrapping method :) is brilliant. I have had to resort to it many times. For best results learn both, understand unwrapping and its not a problem anymore just a step in the process :). O and...
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    Arsenic steals some more work and gets caught (again) (was: Some Of My Work....)

    Is it just me or do the M21, Colt, M4 and Car look exactly like the weapon models from Black Hawk Down. I mean please prove me wrong i may be mistakin. If not damn fine models and skins man.
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    VTM Download Size

    Can we see a pic of the beretta you end up making in the tuts please :)
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    H&K MK23 SOCOM

    Damn ichi so demanding. I dont really see the point in the first person shot apart from more eye candy. And krazie you've provided us with no info for all we know this could be just a random high poly object not intended for game, for informative crits please supply us some more details pcount...
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    M4A1 whole set

    try huge pics there.
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    M4A1 whole set

    Exactly nicely said i think you got everything :P. Higher the p count slower the render time (FPS). But i guess we all have to wait until HL2 is released before we can judge. Nice model :)
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    M4A1 whole set

    3500 Damn man, i thought mine was crazy at 3000 i still think its crazy. Nice model though bigger render would be sweet :D. You might wanna leave some detail to the skin rather than geometry, but its your model :P.
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    Need help (mesh errors)

    True this kinda thing can happenif vertex's arnt welded properly.
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    Annoying problem.

    Try this might work, i think. You have two vertex's sharing the same space. Im not sure about XSI but in Max you'd go to vertex in editable poly drag a select box over a vertex and check if it has 1 or 2 vertexs in the same place. If theres 1 good if theres 2 then hit weld.
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    Need help (mesh errors)

    Looks like it maybe smooth group errors. If your using max and in editable poly go to "Face" then right down the bottom you'll find smooth groups, select faces apply smooth groups. Just play around with it cause its hard to explain well more like i cant be bothered.
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    New NSPO Renders

    I believe i deleted the thread you are implying for obvious reasons. Although i do believe Far Cry mods should stay to far cry sites. You deserted HL2 but you want crits from the Hl2 community :( we arnt good enough though :(
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    Modification News: 17th February

    So far only 2 of our models are over our 3500 poly limit. Which is my M4/M203 show above and another. Everything else is around 3000 polys, we've even compiled them for HL to have a look at them and theres no problems at all. Mp5 poly count 3000 and M4 standard 3000 with m203 4000.
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    Ppsh 41

    Nice work. Just wack a smooth group around it. If you think about it, if its for a game, half of the clip will be off screen and the players left hand will be holding the clip. Cause i think thats how theree held. Looks a little skinny but im not familiar with this weapon. Also inside the barrel...
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    FN F2000 (ze shoosting device)

    LOL thats exaclty what im thinking about my tutorials. Im about to release a set of 4 video tutorials. Im talking throughout them making it seem as though this is the way it is done. When really its just the way i do it.
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    FN Forty-Five

    I think Ichi is talking about photoshop skinning as in painting. My tutorial is on unwrapping the model, your gettin confused :) Anyway im goin to be updating that tutorial soon so dont use it its horrible :P Nice model Ichi
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    FN F2000 (ze shoosting device)

    Although ive seen this elsewhere im still jizzing my undies. Off Topic: Whats the point of the empty shells travelling to the front of the gun to be ejected.
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    M4a1 Wip

    Why not. To go from a M4A1 to a M16 took me about an hour to model. Modeling is all i do so it was no effort. Not all my models will be used in the mod but thats not what im really out for. You could say i get off on modeling :P The veriantions of the M4 family are there so they may aswell be...