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  1. Jubei

    Favorite game as a kid.

    Lost Vikings Arena Dagger fall LBA 1&2 Quake sealed the deal
  2. Jubei

    how old r all u hl2 fans?

    19, 20 on 28th of May
  3. Jubei

    What Languages Do You Speak?

    Also just two English and Afrikaans I'm fluent in both, I think. :)
  4. Jubei

    Where your PC is at!!

    Here u go.
  5. Jubei

    what drugs have people tried

    Cigarettes, Alcohol and did Weed a few times to. Not planing to do anything els. Weed makes me happy!!! :smoking:
  6. Jubei

    Ghost Stories - Only Good ones

    Forksakes that scarded the shit out of me gh0st. Cant even spell scared correct after that.
  7. Jubei

    unexplainable stuff thats happened to you

    Maby it has something to do with that "Friggy" thing in your avatar. :D
  8. Jubei

    unexplainable stuff thats happened to you

    Yes I know it was stupid but I couldn't help my self I just had to know what was doing it. Could have been anything at the time, first I thought it was a bird flying against the window but now that I think of it what bird would fly around when its pitch black outside. Hehehe thanx bAbYhEaDcRaB.
  9. Jubei

    unexplainable stuff thats happened to you

    One night not to long ago I was siting in front of my computer working as I usually do till late when the lights just started flickering and I heard strange noises but it went away really quick. But the realy strange thing is later when I went to go and sleep I put the light of and walk up the...
  10. Jubei

    Lion hunters get pwned!

    This sort of thing makes me sick. The worst thing I have ever seen was a lioness behind a fence trying to get to here cub on the other side and this rich bastard just shot her, he was so proud about it. I would like to lock him up in a room and let a few lions in there with him and see how he...
  11. Jubei

    Blondes (FUNNY)

    Here is the url to download it was funny :laugh:
  12. Jubei

    Error Using Internet Explorer

    This is realy weird, I have got almost the exact same problem. I'm using Mozilla to at the moment.
  13. Jubei

    ARe the Opteron teh new 64bit amd CPUs?

    The Opteron is ment for servers and not for normal use. That is why its is so expensiv but the Athlon 64 is aimed at the desktop user. So it will be more or less in the same price range as todays Amd Barton's.
  14. Jubei

    ARe the Opteron teh new 64bit amd CPUs?

    This is turning into another AMD vs Intel discution. Both have there strong points and weaknesses. The Athlon 64 may be the best cpu at the momint but by the time the Intel Prescott get's released that would most probably be the best cpu.
  15. Jubei

    male player model

    Model looks great, but as !-fgdf-! said the legs realy look to fat.
  16. Jubei

    ARe the Opteron teh new 64bit amd CPUs?

    If already preorderd mine. But all I am going to use it for is applications. Not sure how it will perform in games if that is what you want it for. But I will post some 3dMark scores as soon as I get it.
  17. Jubei

    ARe the Opteron teh new 64bit amd CPUs?

    Only bad thing is you will have to get a new motherboard because it wil only work only on a socket 754.
  18. Jubei

    character#2 type1 for RIVALS (95% ready)

    Not bad but the pants looks to smooth. Otherwise great job.
  19. Jubei

    New HL2 Video

    Here is a pic of my Half-Life 2 Media. I see nothing wrong.
  20. Jubei

    How did u first heard about HL2 ?

    The first time I saw it was in a games mag in february, where a distributor had an article about all the games that where being released this year.