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    Client Timed Out

    Doesn't work.
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    What's up with Soldiers?

    I usually Spy or Scout (omg they're both verbs) in scrims, but in a recent 6v6 I had, we had two not-so-great ringers (one of them never played Soldier), so I decided to try the overpowered man himself. Here's a brief summary about him coming from my experience against and as him in scrims: -...
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    Spies Are Impossible!!!

    Personally, for me, the Spy is 2x easier to play in a 6v6 scrim than a 12v12 pub. I try to avoid large pubs when playing alone. And no, I don't use enemy disguises without sentry guns around most of the time. Smart players will know you're a Spy if you run around disguised as one of their team...
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    Where to rent a server for Halflife2?
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    Capture the Flag

    ctf_dirtwork would be the intro map. The overall skill level in public servers is much higher than that of DM. Keep a look out for these clans. |RR| =|LG|= rb` {uPs} I belong to [Cartel], but we play more TDM CTF such as 2Fort, Warpath, etc.
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    Shooting Strategy????

    My guide says that. It is true. SMG: 1 damage to health Pistol: 2 damage to health Crowbar: 10 damage to health Etc. Headshots deal 3x normal damage.
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    Seeing player names

    That's odd. It works fine for me, well at least in dark areas. It isn't a server add-on. If it's not hud_centerid, I'm not sure. Sorry.
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    Seeing player names

    Um... hud_centerid 1 ... It's useful for hitting enemies with the magnum. As soon as you see the name pop up, shoot.
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    problem in the game; move, shoot, and run fast, 64-bit windows

    It occured to me while I was holding a box. However, the glitchy effect was permanent until either the server or I refreshed.
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    problem in the game; move, shoot, and run fast, 64-bit windows

    It happened to [GU]El Boricua in [BMC] (My Clan) V.S. [GU]. We were playing ctf_warpath for HL2 TDM. He would fly from his base to the middle of the map! Thankfully, we were winning while this was happening.
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    problem in the game; move, shoot, and run fast, 64-bit windows

    I experienced this glitch, but without missing textures. I also have a demo. PM, E-Mail, or AIM me if you want it. Unfortunately, you need the CTF mod to view it. I would randomly jump up all the way to the sky, then drop down and die. I would blitz across the whole map in a matter of seconds...
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    Can anyone supply with me with a gravity jump script?

    I always manually do the Gravity Gun Fly.
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    Shooting Strategy????

    Link works fine for me if I just click it. ?_? Gwah![/confused]
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    Shooting Strategy????
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    HL2:DM - Unofficial bug list (by Gunslinger and the SteamForums)

    Rapid Shotgun Fire Falling without getting damaged Gunshot Mutes
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    Need help w/ grenade script

    You exist?! The end is coming... :O I didn't know there were scripts for something so simple to do.
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    Need help w/ grenade script

    Angry Lawyerman is to say that.
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    Consol scripts? HeLp mEh

    I thought this was discussed in my guide? Anyway, there is a way to mute gunshots, but if you want to know how to do it, PM me. I'm not going to tell publicly so that not everyone goes around spamming the Magnum with shots you can barely hear if close, and if sniping, can't hear.
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    Consol scripts? HeLp mEh

    You can mute gunshots.
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    Damage Chart - Anyone up for Collaboration?

    Dinkleberry, it tells how much armor absorbs and the damage multiplier of a headshot at the beginning of the weapons chapter. I'll just post the information so you don't have to go through the hassle though. Headshots deal thrice the damage. Armor absorbs 80% of the damage.