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  1. Darkboy

    I am rather glad to be back.

    In a time before time, there was a child who totally pissed off everyone in the discussion forum on the topic of Iran. Because of that, he left and didn't come back until today, right now. I really, really was an ass the hour before I left. I do apologize, and I will hopefully be seen as a...
  2. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Omg. I'm so sorry. I mean, of course it isn't. Jeez, thank you very very much for pointing that out, stern. el chi: No. We still have to do something about him, though.
  3. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    @CptStern: I really don't give a shit about what my country did. And I didn't say Saddam was responsible. I know we killed more people than Saddam did, or could, but that's Bush's fault. Not mine. We had a reason to go into the middle east: Catch Osama. I shouldn't have said "Everyone", though...
  4. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    If someone walks up and kicks oyu in the leg very hard, what do you do?
  5. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    I'm not american. I'm English. And pointing at someone and saying "You went to war for no reason" is just stupid, especially if that person didn't go to war. You know what? If we didn't go into Iraq, Saddam would still be beating the shit out of his own country. I think it is stupid to go on a...
  6. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    This guy's crazy. Who knows what he'll do. And I know 5 years. I'm saying we should do something now. Oh, and Heh, Tehran. Middle eastern names are so coincidentally...
  7. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    And you know, firetrucks are red.
  8. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Clearly you haven't realized yet that the president of Iran want to wipe Isreal off the map.
  9. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Arguing is fun.
  10. Darkboy

    been slim my whole life, how to gain weight?

    I guess a lot of America is smarter than you.
  11. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Anyone who says, "Hey, maybe Iran just wants to have some uranium and research nuclear stuff!" should run off a cliff.
  12. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Didn't the presodent of Iran say he wants to wipe Isreal off the map?
  13. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Screw diplomacies. When someone's going to get blown up, you do something.
  14. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    I would if I knew what you were talking about.
  15. Darkboy

    War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

    Don't worry, Iran will use them on isreal. ;) No, really. Invade now, no conflict later.
  16. Darkboy

    what d'ya all do in your spare time?

    Watch a movie, skateboard, play half life 2, play halo 2, play guitar, draw, flash animate, and get mad at my friend who has awful adhd.
  17. Darkboy


    Has a cat scratched you lately?
  18. Darkboy

    Why Do Englanders and North Americans Say Words Differently?

    English people are so much cooler than American people, so they talk cooler.
  19. Darkboy

    Theory of who the G-Man rilly is

    Gman is like the morpheus of half life.
  20. Darkboy

    SAT question

    If his teacher says it's not wolf, I doubt it is, you know? Say fox.