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  1. P

    Telekinesis and other dumb stuff..

    I LOLED.
  2. P

    Console Command To Unlock All Levels
  3. P

    So... if the Combine decided the HL universe wasn't a good one to attack...

    off topic: I miss Deus Ex. I wish I could take the initiative and make Deus Ex 3. on topic: It'd be an interesting fight imo. If everyone had the power of JC Denton such as the Denton ending of DX:IW (I HATED THAT GAME, GNARG) the humans would put up a pretty good fight. (Ballistic protection...
  4. P

    Favorite level

    I must nitpick. The traffic tunnel is indeed -- The beginning of sandtraps, is it not?
  5. P

    Favorite level

    Once I stopped putting myself out of it, and started throwing sawblades and crap, It was pretty fun. (Except when I couldn't find the stair-box thingy, and the zombies\poison headcrab launchers just kept freaking coming. :frown: )
  6. P

    Hello. Again?

    I belive this thread is confusing.
  7. P

    Hello. Again?

    WAIT WAIT, I want it now. =(
  8. P

    Hello. Again?

    Does it come with a side of fried chicken?
  9. P

    Combine or Umbrella Corp

    You can't compare pie to apples. YOU JUST CAN'T.
  10. P

    Favorite level

    Our Benefactors. Super-GGun ftw.
  11. P

    HL2 ending.

    It wasn't a bad ending. But there was nothing groundbreakingly spectacular\amazingly difficult\very fun about it.
  12. P

    The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

    Obviously Gordon has to be made super strong. 80% of FPS's are based on unreasonable odds. One man against XXX number of men. If you got one-hit killed every time you played to make it "more realistic" no-one would buy the game. The story doesn't have to exactly "make sense". It just...
  13. P

    Hello. Again?

    I leveled up.
  14. P

    Why dont the antlions attack me?

    Fail and Lose. D=
  15. P

    Hello. Again?

  16. P

    Hello. Again?

    Yeah. I posted the BEST DAMN introduction thread ever, but then didn't get HL2. So I didn't stick around. (I also feared ravenholm, and still do.) Hi, I am protocol. I'm 13, I hated the ending to HL2, and I wish to intergrate with you lot. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL. I bring beer and pizza.
  17. P

    RPG Servers

    Eh, mate. There are RPG servers in DX? You mean like RPGCity..? Anyway - Back to HL2, From what I've heard, there are tonnes of 'em.
  18. P

    Hilarious glitch

    Unless you have finished the game deux times. Then you have to create stupid fights and random killings for no reason!
  19. P

    Cheap HL2 Game of the Year Edition

    Its my birthday next week. I'm buying it, It looks like it comes from a reputable person.
  20. P

    You! Carry my luggage.

    Damn straight.