A review on Silent Hunter III

JiMmEh said:
Man I really want this game. Shame I'm skint :(

Hehe, you can put your own songs on your own gramaphone? :D

Yeah. 6char
I want this. It's 30 dollars, eh? I might get it, but I am tight on money.
Pfft, I'm gonna load it up with some rock music, and I'll be headbanging my way to the Atlantic! :p

Just watched a few videos, I may have to pick this up after all. I'm a sucker for WW2 sims of any sort. Hopefully I'll scrounge up the cash :P
ray_MAN said:
I want this. It's 30 dollars, eh? I might get it, but I am tight on money.
me 2,i'll have to pay 50 bloody euros,shitty euro,and im skint after getting metal gear 3 and bia but i think i'll get it
JiMmEh said:
Pfft, I'm gonna load it up with some rock music, and I'll be headbanging my way to the Atlantic! :p

Just watched a few videos, I may have to pick this up after all. I'm a sucker for WW2 sims of any sort. Hopefully I'll scrounge up the cash :P
lol going for realism eh?

could you link me to the trailers pls?
Make that video - lol the one Loke posted :P First page
jimbo118 said:
whats your impressions so far dart?

It's great! Very fun, very addictive. Just today I ambushed a large convoy headed out of Norfolk. Got me 2 merchies (sunk) and hit one destroyer (did not sink) then slipped away to Sydney. Gonna patrol for awhile and see what I find. :devil:
dart321 said:
It's great! Very fun, very addictive. Just today I ambushed a Large Convoy headed out of Norfolk. Got me 2 merchies (sunk) and hit one destroyer (did not sink) then slipped away to Sydney. Gonna patrol for awhile and see what I find. :devil:
good so its exciting then,when i think of sim games i think of flight simulator :|
First impression: magnificent game. Sound and visuals are top notch. I have to agree with Loke that this is the best water you have ever seen in a game. The little details are great: the gulls following your wake, the creaking of the hull when you dive, water splashing against the periscope lense, etc.

The controls are a bit hard to get around. You basically have to figure everything in the tutorials out yourself. This is no FPS with a WASD control-scheme. I like that tho; it's nothing too daunting. As long as I don't have to calculate my own firing solutions (which actually is an option; there's even a mathematical formula in the manual for it), I'm fine.

Overall, I'm convinced; 45 euros well spent. Back to the game. More later tonight.
Shakermaker said:
First impression: magnificent game. Sound and visuals are top notch. I have to agree with Loke that this is the best water you have ever seen in a game. The little details are great: the gulls following your wake, the creaking of the hull when you dive, water splashing against the periscope lense, etc.

The controls are a bit hard to get around. You basically have to figure everything in the tutorials out yourself. This is no FPS with a WASD control-scheme. I like that tho; it's nothing too daunting. As long as I don't have to calculate my own firing solutions (which actually is an option; there's even a mathematical formula in the manual for it), I'm fine.

Overall, I'm convinced; 45 euros well spent. Back to the game. More later tonight.
great i was waiting for this,i sorta presumed ctrl wasnt wasd movement so how exactly does movement work?

45 euros,really?thought it'd be cheaper,where r u frm?

EDIT:How to add some more tunes to the gramophone?
Just drop your songs (mp3 or ogg files) in the following directory: "Program Files\Ubisoft\SilentHunterIII\data\Sound\Gramophone
Shakermaker said:
The controls are a bit hard to get around. You basically have to figure everything in the tutorials out yourself. This is no FPS with a WASD control-scheme. I like that tho; it's nothing too daunting. As long as I don't have to calculate my own firing solutions (which actually is an option; there's even a mathematical formula in the manual for it), I'm fine.

No you don't! Did you even watch the tutorial videos before the start of the training missions? They explain everything very clearly. How dare you spread lies about this game! ;)
Would you guys say that even a sim n00b would enjoy this? I am a history buff and generally enjoy getting buried in the details , but I've never really tried one of these. Is it friendly to novices and those ignorant of submarine tactics/history?
Just what I need: this is a typical "fook no, look at the clock: it's already 02:30! game". I have enjoyed myself very much in the last couple of hours. Just cruising on the North Sea for a bit, getting to learn the game and harrassing some merchant-ships while I'm at it.

abconners said:
So this game is sweet?

It's very sweet.

dart321 said:
No you don't! Did you even watch the tutorial videos before the start of the training missions? They explain everything very clearly. How dare you spread lies about this game! ;)

The vids are very clear but I prefer an on the fly tutorial. You know, the kind where the game shows you how to do something and you have to follow suit.

And to Jimbo: if you have the patience to learn something totally new and get really immersed, get this game as soon as you have the money for it. Like I said, I'm totally new to this genre, but I like it a lot.

EDIT Added a pic of my type IIA U-boat. Ain't she sweet?
Shaker, as soon as you get 3000+ renown, upgrade that old pos. the game is ALLOT more fun, with the deck gun, loads more torps and faster cruising speed :D plus having so many troops means you have enough spare that tiredness isnt an issue unless you are in a really drawn out attack. :D

p.s. cant wait til the patch (hopefully they wont make it an expansion) which includes friendly (and enemy uboats, that'll make the game perfect for me....) 10/10. :)
oldagerocker said:
p.s. cant wait til the patch (hopefully they wont make it an expansion) which includes friendly (and enemy uboats, that'll make the game perfect for me....) 10/10. :)

Me too man, me too. Anyone have an ETA on the patch?
The game sounds increadible.


Shakermaker said:
Found it! That's a pretty cool site btw. I found my fav arcade machine, the the first Star Wars game. And I don't mean the stand-up version but the cockpit. That was awesome; great graphics for that time.

Yea! My brother has Star Wars too! The cockpit version he used to clamor about when he was a teenager.

Anyway he has around 40 games check out pictures, lists, and other stuff at His "Luna City Arcade"

dart321 said:
Me too man, me too. Anyone have an ETA on the patch?
patch 1.1 is out you know or do you mean patch 1.2 which is in the works,anyway im goin to town soon,i think i'll pick it up
jimbo118 said:
patch 1.1 is out you know or do you mean patch 1.2 which is in the works,anyway im goin to town soon,i think i'll pick it up

Well, did you? Do you like it?
Shakermaker said:
Well, did you? Do you like it?
yeah i got it,for 35 euros too,that swung it for me,its quite hard,ive just started naval academy but amn't sure why the 1st exam wont end,the navigation 1,i've finished all 4 objectives and got a message saying 'return to base',so i thought fine and swung the uboat around and headed back to where the mission began but it still hasnt ended,i havent gotten any messages saying to 'go this way'etc so im a bit confused,

i then chose abondon mission and it brought up my results.everything passed but when i clicked finished it wasnt ticked off in the exam options,AGH!!!!!!!!

do i have to back now and do it?where the bloody hell was the base? :frown:
jimbo118 said:
yeah i got it,for 35 euros too,that swung it for me,its quite hard,ive just started naval academy but amn't sure why the 1st exam wont end,the navigation 1,i've finished all 4 objectives and got a message saying 'return to base',so i thought fine and swung the uboat around and headed back to where the mission began but it still hasnt ended,i havent gotten any messages saying to 'go this way'etc so im a bit confused,

i then chose abondon mission and it brought up my results.everything passed but when i clicked finished it wasnt ticked off in the exam options,AGH!!!!!!!!

do i have to back now and do it?where the bloody hell was the base? :frown:

Nah, training is just training. If you really take an exam its different.

Damnit, work interfered with my game tonite. And now the missus wants attention. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Shakermaker said:
Nah, training is just training. If you really take an exam its different.

Damnit, work interfered with my game tonite. And now the missus wants attention. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
but that was a exam,the navigation exam no?
the way I unederstand it the training and the exam are basically the same, but only the exam is for real. I didn't bother taking then tho.
for some reason aa and af worked in the training but not in career,yeah i see now,i just did training,not the exam,what realism are you playing on?i chose normal
how do you make the torpedos blow up? Mine always bounce off the ship!
They are dud or unarmed, the early torps sometimes are rather unreliable. They do get better though. If you fire too close (very close) to the enemy ship... they wont be armed.

it was said earlier in the thread that Magnetic detonation helps. :)
OMFG,i just crashed my u boat into wilhemshaven port(whatever its called),i had just finished my week patrol and had no torps left(missed with every 1 ;( )so i just decided to use the map to get home quicker,i put time compression up to 1024 and as i went towards base i must have nodded off as when i went back to look i was headed straight for the docks,agh how embarassing,so my u boat got too damaged and everyone died,this game makes me sad ;(
Hey Jimbo, I'll be more than happy to take it out of your hands! :p
JiMmEh said:
Hey Jimbo, I'll be more than happy to take it out of your hands! :p
no i'll hold on to it,just feel like a ass,crashing into the harbour after a BLOODY WEEK ON THE SEA :(
hehehe, poor Jimbo. That's almost a poetic way to go.

Still too busy too play, damnit. I'll prolly have to wait 'till monday before I can have a proper patrol and sink some Tommy merchants.

At how much realism are you playing btw? I'm at 51% myself.
Shakermaker said:
hehehe, poor Jimbo. That's almost a poetic way to go.

Still too busy too play, damnit. I'll prolly have to wait 'till monday before I can have a proper patrol and sink some Tommy merchants.

At how much realism are you playing btw? I'm at 51% myself.
is it new avatar day or sumit?

got my first kill today on my first patrol.lucky shot tbh,i really need help calculating shots,i usually just line up my boat at the side or behind them and use the attack periscope but my shots vary,the shot actually was off target but the lone merchant trying to evade me musta ran into it. only 4 torps to start with too,so ive 1 left,the other wont reload :frown:

oh yeah im playing on normal settings which is only 29%,i might increase it
jimbo118 said:
is it new avatar day or sumit?

got my first kill today on my first patrol.lucky shot tbh,i really need help calculating shots,i usually just line up my boat at the side or behind them and use the attack periscope but my shots vary,the shot actually was off target but the lone merchant trying to evade me musta ran into it. only 4 torps to start with too,so ive 1 left,the other wont reload :frown:

oh yeah im playing on normal settings which is only 29%,i might increase it

When you target a ship with your periscope and you identify it, the center of the crosshair lights up red, yellow or green. Red is an impossible angle to fire from and green is ideal. Yellow is a gamble.

EDIT Should've gotten this avatar ages ago. It's the sleeve of the Shakermaker single by Oasis.
Shakermaker said:
When you target a ship with your periscope and you identify it, the center of the crosshair lights up red, yellow or green. Red is an impossible angle to fire from and green is ideal. Yellow is a gamble.

EDIT Should've gotten this avatar ages ago. It's the sleeve of the Shakermaker single by Oasis.
i c,thx :)
jimbo118 said:

It took me some time to figure it out. My first hit was a dud. That's such an anti-climax. I fired some rounds with my flak-gun out of anger but the crew of the merchant just laughed at me*.

* I tend to roleplay a lot with this game.
How many patrols have you guys made so far in the career?

I'm on my 8'th patrol now, and a total of around 56 000 tonnage sunken. :)
Loke said:
How many patrols have you guys made so far in the career?

I'm on my 8'th patrol now, and a total of around 56 000 tonnage sunken. :)

I did two patrols, but I haven't had the chance to play this game properly, i.e. for a couple of hours straight. As soon as I have some time to myself, I'll be starting my career for real. Would it be a better idea to start in 1941 instead of 1939 btw? That MkII sub isn't worth a lot: a total of 5 torpedos and a lousy flak-gun.
This game takes so long. I did a patrol on 1024x speed and it still took me like 30 minutes. It is boring how you have to sit there and watch the sub drift through still waters. On the other hand the combat rocks, which about tips the good-bad scale to even.