Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Beta

This is interesting info that I've found. Means nothing to me.
[Updated 2010-02-09 15:23 GMT+1: Added link to Closed Beta R5 remote admin protocol]

Hi again!

A lot of people are asking about server administration. What's up there?

A little background
Since the Frostbite engine had not yet been used for any PC titles, there had been no need for advanced server administration tools. BFBC2 PC changed that however.
There was a sort of "server console" thing, but it was intended for developer use only. Something easier to use and more stable was necessary when we came closer to release it to the PC users.

So what are we doing?
We are creating a separate command console, which is stable, and where the commands will not change. This will be the Remote Administration interface for BFBC2 PC. BF2 console commands have been a good source of inspiration :)
The Remote Administration interface is accessible over a network port on the game server.

While we ensure that there is a solid administration interface, we are not creating any fancy tools. Why not? Because the community will do a much better job! RSPs have already been using the interface for weeks, and several people are working on user friendly tools. We will continue to improve the protocol with functions that are necessary to make good tools.

When Closed Beta Server R5 (yes, we have already patched the game servers 3 times. I love our new patching system) is released, the RSPs will be allowed to expose the Remote Administration interface on their servers to the public... and we will publish the FULL protocol specification. You have my word on that.

... ah! Closed Beta Server R5 is going out to the RSPs now, It should gradually roll deploy over the course of the day. Here is the protocol. When the protocol changes in future versions of the server, we will release the protocol updates as well.
^That. How can the bullet fall the same distance if it's going faster?
I don't know why people don't use those motion sensors more. You get spot assists every time someone dies around it. It's so nice.

Whenever I play Recon, I'm the front lines guy. I'll be the one to run up and c4 the tanks, use the motion sensors and pick off guys running to defend the objective.

I'll never be one of those fags that sit on the rock.

Yeah, I actually grab a saiga instead of a sniper rifle go throwing motion sensors and c4ing everything.
I can't use those shotguns...on the PC version, they are just too weak. On the console, I can't do it as my aim is bad enough.
I can't use those shotguns...on the PC version, they are just too weak. On the console, I can't do it as my aim is bad enough.

Just takes some time getting used to. I didn't like them at first either. The Saiga 12 packs a mean punch and its even meaner with the shotgun ammo perk.
Shotguns are pretty hit and miss. Sometimes I'll unload point blank and not kill them, other times I'll catch a guy sprinting and drop him. Aiming on a 360 controller is hard, but I've learned to use my movement to help aim and leading the target so he runs into my crosshairs.

I usually top the scorecharts, or at least 3rd place. I am pretty excited for Hardcore mode.
Hype for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has reached an all-time high, with EA reporting huge pre-orders for the shooter.
“Both public and retail awareness for Bad Company 2 is high right now, especially within the Battlefield fan-base.”
He added: “While the first iteration may have lacked the polish in single player that the multiplayer did so well, this is addressed for Bad Company 2 for a rounded experience that will appeal to the mainstream consumer.
Join the fun with your fellow .netters and pre-order! :imu:

There will be an in-game store like Battlefield Heroes:
He also mentioned 10 epic hours of single-player!

This is a hellfire missile btw: It's what the attack chopper and UAV use.
Maybe bullet velocity plays a role as well. Less speed = quicker drop I guess.

Its not a matter of time. A bullet dropped and a bullet fired will fall just as quick as the other. A higher velocity just means it will travel a greater distance in that time. So a gun that fires a bullet at a faster velocity will have less drop at 100 yards than a gun that shoots a bullet at a slower velocity at the same distance.

Thats assuming BC2 does take velocity into account.
It does. Not sure if they're different for every gun, but if they are, I think the droprate is as you would expect from gravity.
From shooting at that damn UAV, I know that bullets do drop with other guns in a different manner each one. Makes it tough to get used to right off the bat
I think I'll love this game as long as they add destructible bridges and palm trees. Also a passenger cockpit view inside the blackhawks.
Yeah I'm sorry, as far as I was concerned Bad Company 2 is the first Battlefield since BF2. Now I know better though. Why haven't I heard jack-all about BC1 though? Weird.
It also wasn't that hot review wise.

Well I tried to grab a screenshot of my latest round but it didn't come out. I guess the beta blocks you from screen capping anything. I was in a UAV this entire round (well died twice) and I got like 17 kills from it. One time I knifed a guy at an M-COM station and he was confused as to how he died from half a map away. Another time he was confused why the helicopters kept on exploding. :laugh: Literally what I would do was circle up high around the base and launch missiles and they didn't even care. Then when a heli spawned, they all swarmed for it. So I let them all get in and then let a missile go and blew up like 5 guys every time. :laugh:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to have day-one DLC

In what's becoming the rule rather than the exception for EA games, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will receive day one DLC. Speaking to Worthplaying, senior producer Patrick Bach said, "We have an in-game store where you get free content or you can buy new content to the game, so it's a very integral part of the game that we will have a long post-launch campaign. I think people will be thrilled to see what's in that already. On day one, you will get some really cool stuff."

It's still not clear if that "really cool" stuff will be free, for-pay or both -- in the case of EA's usual in-the-box DLC strategy, it would be free to new buyers and sold separately for used copies of the game. You'll remember that during the release of the first Bad Company, EA was actually threatened with a boycott for its (soon abandoned) strategy that would have created an in-game gap between players that spent extra money and those who didn't. Hopefully EA and DICE will be a bit smarter about things this time around.

Let's hope the DLC doesn't break the game's balance.
Just tried the war tapes setting out and it really makes a difference. Thanks for posting dude.
A good tactic to rack up kills is be the gunner on the T90 in the first stage and sit on the hill that overlooks MCOM A. You have nearly full view of the battlefield and if you have an engineer healing your tank, you'll be pretty much indestructable.
Just tried the war tapes setting out and it really makes a difference. Thanks for posting dude.
no problem :)

I saw that krynn was online so i joined him and said hi...he didnt respond and then he left 10 seconds later.
Heart=Broken :(
oh :(

I left right when the round started, so i must not have seen your message while the stats menu was up.

Anyone else annoyed at how you can't exit the game after a round is over, and you have to wait for the map to load and then join the game before you can actually quit?
A good tactic to rack up kills is be the gunner on the T90 in the first stage and sit on the hill that overlooks MCOM A. You have nearly full view of the battlefield and if you have an engineer healing your tank, you'll be pretty much indestructable.
It's people like you that make me glad you're Attacking while I'm defending. A tank that isn't doing anything to help take objectives? Ranks up there with useless snipers on the rock.
It's a pretty effective piece of artillery that can level buildings. Dunno if you can actually shoot accurately from that hill, but if you could it would be a good strategy.
It's people like you that make me glad you're Attacking while I'm defending. A tank that isn't doing anything to help take objectives? Ranks up there with useless snipers on the rock.

While it might not help take objectives, it was hella useful for defending charges on MCOMS. Noone can make it to MCOM B because you can see right into it, and if theres a charge at MCOM A, you can kill anyone that spawns at the building w/ the AT & MG. We were able to plant both charges without a defuse while i racked up defender kills. And while on that hill, you can see over the building that has the red explosive crate, to the stationary AT, and also over the small checkpoint "hut" next to the road.

It's a pretty effective piece of artillery that can level buildings. Dunno if you can actually shoot accurately from that hill, but if you could it would be a good strategy.

The tank stays steady and doesn't slide/move, and without any movement on the tank mg its very accurate.
Sitting on the hill firing shells is just an annoyance for the defending team, just like the stupid snipers on the ridge are. Sure, you might rack up some kills, but they're not going to give a shit if you're not taking the objectives. I was just in a game where a guy was doing just that in the T90, and taking it back to spawn to repair after every single hit. That, plus eight ****ing snipers on the ridge was enough to drive me crazy.

There were 6 of us left to actually take the objectives. And we still just about managed with some C4 on B, but the tickets must've been close to zero. The thing is, if that guy in the tank hadn't been such a pansy and actually used it aggressively to support us we could've been through in about 5 minutes.
Please tell me this game makes use of the song of the same name, by the band of the same name.

From the album of the same name.
While it might not help take objectives, it was hella useful for defending charges on MCOMS. Noone can make it to MCOM B because you can see right into it, and if theres a charge at MCOM A, you can kill anyone that spawns at the building w/ the AT & MG. We were able to plant both charges without a defuse while i racked up defender kills. And while on that hill, you can see over the building that has the red explosive crate, to the stationary AT, and also over the small checkpoint "hut" next to the road.

Cool, you can sit there and rack up points while the enemy team is apparently too stupid to adjust to your 'strategy'.

In all honesty, if you don't die within the first few minutes of doing that, the defenders have failed. 2 snipers with mortars coordinating an attack will easily take care of the tank. Hell, 1 sniper and 1 or 2 engies can also.
Sitting on the hill firing shells is just an annoyance for the defending team, just like the stupid snipers on the ridge are. Sure, you might rack up some kills, but they're not going to give a shit if you're not taking the objectives.

But the thing is, every time I've done it, we've been able to get the plants down so they're both going off at the same time, and then use the tank to kill any people running back and forth trying to defuse.

Cool, you can sit there and rack up points while the enemy team is apparently too stupid to adjust to your 'strategy'.

In all honesty, if you don't die within the first few minutes of doing that, the defenders have failed. 2 snipers with mortars coordinating an attack will easily take care of the tank. Hell, 1 sniper and 1 or 2 engies can also.

You don't understand, its not like I'm sitting there twiddling my thumbs. I can literally see almost the entire map, and with good teamwork + spotting, I and my teammates easily take down the team. You can't do it by yourself, but with a good team/squad, its a very useful tactic. And while the defenders are too busy trying to take the tank down, the rest of the team can move in and plant.
It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds of defender work to take out that tank. Think about it.

all spawn. 2 snipers take out the mortar and fire. Engie shoots RPG. Well....that was that!

But there are 3 people sitting there with you. u in tank + gunner + repair *Or 2 if u are smart*. That is 2 or 3 people less that are taking the objective. Easily counterable if, as I said, the defenders are working together. It is a pubby match, and I see how you guys can win with the tanks help. It shouldn't though.
How hard is it to get a key for the beta? I'm not sure if I want to preorder yet.
^You'd be amazed how many idiots should watch this so they can play this game right.
Thanks Shakey. I'm at work and get really stupid, somehow, while here.

For some reason, and I don't know if this is true for it all, but whenever I play on the console alone, I get more frustrated at the shitty teamwork than I do when I'm playing alone on the PC. I mean, I seem to always be on the team that gets slaughtered while defending, then can't even take the first point as attacker....