Battlestar Galactica - Final Season

They all have to be cylons, that's the only way I see it going

At first I was :mad:

but then I was :D
Yeah... i don;t think they could have made a better start than with the whole "crew suicide thing" and the 5th being releaved.... oh and the starbuck thing
God damn that was the most depressing piece of television I have ever watched.

More please.
It was a clever call by the writers, very unexpected and very telling. Looking forward to where they go from here.
I was drunk as hell watching the new episode so I don't remember it all that perfectly (just angst, angst, angst) but
how are you guys still saying it's Ellen Tigh when Starbuck found and buried a copy of her body? I mean, sure, maybe the writers are trying to mislead us with some kind of parallel universe type shit but clearly they want us to think that Kara is the final cylon.

at the end when Saul Tigh had a flashback to his previous life 2000 years ago Ellen was there.
God damn that was the most depressing piece of television I have ever watched.

More please.

Really? I mean, it was pretty dark, but I take it you haven't seen The Wire have you?

I don't think anything really beats the final episode of Season 4 of that show. Especially with Bubbles :(

Kadayi knows what i'm talking about.

and yeah, that episode was good. I reckon that

Man created Cylons, Cylons destroyed Man, Cylons became Man, Man created Cylons, etc etc etc.

Kind of like The Matrix, how its all repeated. Only much less pretentious and not ruined by one of the writers changing gender halfway through production. ****ing Wachowski brothers. Or Wachowski Siblings as they now want to be called.
More like
Man created cyclons, cyclons destroy most of man, cyclons and man reconcile, live together, cyclons and man seperate, man develops new cylons... old cyclons help them??
More like
Man created cyclons, cyclons destroy most of man, cyclons and man reconcile, live together, cyclons and man seperate, man develops new cylons... old cyclons help them??

Doesn't fit with the whole "this has happened before, will happen again" thing does it? Also, my theory kind of explains why Starbuck found her own corpse. Although, that would mean the corpse is 2,000 years old.... Oh well. We'll find out in the next two months or so wont we
Doesn't fit with the whole "this has happened before, will happen again" thing does it? Also, my theory kind of explains why Starbuck found her own corpse. Although, that would mean the corpse is 2,000 years old.... Oh well. We'll find out in the next two months or so wont we

Sure it does. I predict the series will end with cyclons and humans living together on a planet, 'New Kobol' or something. FFW millenia and there'll be a new 13-way diaspora.

Also Starbuck found a horribly charred corpse in her raptor wearing her stuff. Could be a set-up.
How droll. You're quite the wag, young sir!
Really? I mean, it was pretty dark, but I take it you haven't seen The Wire have you?

I don't think anything really beats the final episode of Season 4 of that show. Especially with Bubbles :(

Kadayi knows what i'm talking about.

Yeah BSG is a good show, but The Wire is a great show (possibly even the best show), and as it's name has been evoked it is necessary to say to one and all...go watch it. Go rent/buy season 1 and watch the whole thing over a weekend.
How droll. You're quite the wag, young sir!


Also did anyone see the new episode, I think the webisodes were before this episode, explain why Gayda (Get it, cus he gay Lawl[/dork]) is such a rebel in this episode.
I rather enjoyed the episode, even though seeing Gaeta trying to act badass and rebellious is cringe worthy.
Eh, it was alright. It's a pity they didn't show the old people sex like Rome did.
Eh, it was alright. It's a pity they didn't show the old people sex like Rome did.

Are you trying to make me vomit in my bowl of corn flakes young sir?

Besides I have missed the first episode, I thought it wasn't starting on Sky1 till february :x
The interesting thing in this episode is that Adama was willing to give blanket amnesty to the Cylons for exterminating nearly all colonials, the relentless and merciless pursuit of the fleet afterwards and even the murdering of a hostage in "Revelations" only a few days ago. He is also willing to let murders (such as Boomer's and Natalie's) go along almost unpunished and he ignored Gaeta's leg. He also excused a number of earlier mutinies, including Lee putting a gun to Tigh's head and Kara taking the raider away and defecting, leaving the crew on Kobol out to dry. All forgiven.

Yet when Gaeta does it now, Adama declares there will not be an amnesty this time. Sounds like Gaeta and co. are right then, that he loves Cylons (and his close-knit "family") more than his own kind and the people in the fleet, as he will forgive everything and anything from them but Gaeta and the others are despicable traitors. Roslin, meanwhile, has essentially abdicated power. Why should she care who is President? All she does is mope around Adama's quarters. I think a vote of no confidence from the Quorom (sp?) would pass easily.

I do not care what the rest of you may think, but I am firmly on the side of the so-called 'traitors'. The Adama-Roslin diumvirate is corrupt. Yet we all know whose side the writers are on, so what I think is irrelevant.

Also: When is Baltar getting what is coming to him? He is a traitor four times over.
I do not care what the rest of you may think, but I am firmly on the side of the so-called 'traitors'. The Adama-Roslin diumvirate is corrupt. Yet we all know whose side the writers are on, so what I think is irrelevant.

Also: When is Baltar getting what is coming to him? He is a traitor four times over.

I wouldn't count on there not being a reckoning. I was listening to the BSG podcast and RDM does talk a bit about this.
Sweet. In some ways I hope they have the balls to carry out what they say. It would be tragic and epic at the same time.

Also, saw this and thought it was quite an interesting analysis of Gaeta:-

Its worth reading some of the more astute comments. I have to say I can understand Gaeta's perspective (Adama/Roslin are dictators), it's just unfortunate that he's allied himself with Zarik because the man is a fanatic and won't care what (human) cost it takes to win.
Gaeta's position, whilst moderately understandable, is not justifiable -- the end does not justify the means. Adama and Roslin may have dictatorial elements to their governing of the fleet, but it is very much the lesser of the two evils. Yes, the Cylon's are greatly responsible for many atrocities, but there has been a divide even in that (the civil war) and in the grand scheme of things an alliance is crucial to survival and, what's more, the fleet -- humanity -- has done as much damage to itself. The greater threat is Caval, yet Gaeta and his crew of insurgents are justifying the execution of over half of Galactica's crew for being rational and open-minded enough to realise the truce is crucial. Yes, Gaeta is bad.
Adama has cut slack to his insurgent son and dysfunctional Kara on a number of occasions, when if it wasn't for blood ties and familiarity, they'd have ended up in lock up or worse. Gaeta acts up, and it seems Adamas going to go to the mat over it.... double standards my friend, double standards. To Adama might is right.
Well Bill has to say during the mutiny that they're screwed if they don't back down. Doesn't mean he can't forgive them afterwards.
I think Adama has never been betrayed in this fashion: Lee tried to stop him from doing something he wasn't really overly keen on in the first place, the collaborators from New Caprica were far away from him, and he knew that the fleet needed to put those events behind them. Gaeta betrayed him personally, he said "I'm taking your ship, betraying your trust and the oath I swore to obey you". As for Sharon, the only other person to have really done so before, yes he forgave her, after she spent over a year in a prison cell, and it wasn't even that Sharon who shot him. So, okay- he has a soft spot for his "family" there's no denying that, but Gaeta has gone a step farther than all those others who at some point betrayed him, possibly apart from Sharon.

Also, Samon is right.
I hope he spaces the old man and the frakking one eyed Toaster ;)

I kid, I kid. Still in some ways I'd kind of like it if they threw a major curve ball in there.
I hope Gaeta gets his balls torn off and then thrown out the airlock into another ship's thrusters.

Really? I mean, it was pretty dark, but I take it you haven't seen The Wire have you?

I don't think anything really beats the final episode of Season 4 of that show. Especially with Bubbles :(

Kadayi knows what i'm talking about.

I tried, really tried to watch The Wire but I got bored after the first 5 episodes or so.
Very dull show, tbh... didn't keep me wanting more, getting each disc it just felt like a chore sitting through an episode.
I was pretty iffy about these new episodes going in but I'm really digging them now. If nothing else, this show really does do characters well.

Last night's is a perfect example.
I felt the last one was a little forced there tbh. The whole wrapped itself up a little too nicely for my liking and the bad guys were 'Bad' for the sake of it rather than being realistic I felt. Also the cheap shot was very cheap (you know the one I mean). Still onwards and upwards, though they are running out of characters now.
Am I the only one that wouldn't have minded if both Adama and Roslyn died? Now that I think about it I don't actually like any of the characters...
I'm only watching out of curiosity to see how they are going to end this show.